Here’s how the local Business Journal is reporting it, here in Sac.…
Here’s how the local Business Journal is reporting it, here in Sac.…
Um, yeah. That's the Black Sea you're talking about.
Yeah, neither he nor his wife showed up. Trust me, this is unusual in the first home game. He's sort of a big deal here and he LOVES to go to games and act like a prince of some shit.
I'll be seeing him tonight at the King's home opener. I'll ask him about it. I'm not kidding. I'll let you know what happens. This guy is a world class douche, and I'm sooooo unafraid of him. I got 15 lawyers who would have a field day with his dumb ass.
Thanks. I think I feel a little better. However, I would really like to hear why you think so. It sounds like you're knowledgeable.
I read ALL these comments and I’m depressed as hell. The overall consensus appears to be that our entire navy can be sunk whenever China (with its big missiles), or Russia (with its fast missiles) — wants. Is it really this bleak? Are we Americans doing anything right?
How can something so beautiful be so goddamn ugly, too.
Let’s face it. Trashy white people cant handle fame, money, or powerful friends. One they have any one of those, they immediately squander it. It’s simply poor breeding. Thank the heavens for elites. In this case she had a teensy bit of fame and what she thought were powerful friends. However, she’ll end back where…
Tyler you're a voice in the wilderness and a goddamn national necessity. Keep it up.
Growing up in a blue collar suburb of Los Angeles, people were horrible. If you didn’t have time to shower, you took a “nigger bath” in the sink.
I wonder how this piece of shit would handle it if she was a committed Christian pacifist who refused to issue gun-permits. Huck Fuckabee.
I never thought about her body as “gross” until she made it a thing herself.
That's some fine ass though.
It’s moments like this when I get the redneck sensibility: “KILL THEM ALL — Let Allah sort it out.”
Judging by the first photo, it doesn't appear that the stormtroopers got any better at firing their weapons.
I’m almost 52 years old, and I’m crying like a little bitch.
Dude, you totally and completely missed what the word “dude” means.
The 17 year old in this story was once an innocent four year old, probably, who would have done the same thing — what happens between four and seventeen that turns a lot of white people to assholes?
Fuck, Yes.
Yep. Still on Team Bull.