non functional louvers suck! if anyone is curious how they are made here is one way.
non functional louvers suck! if anyone is curious how they are made here is one way.
gym membership?
there was a lot of suspense because i wasn’t sure who died.
new ferraris bore the crap out of me
it would be hilarious if she just picked out the color and mcqueen hated it fiercely the whole time.
i would have tried to make my truck look like lady rainicorn and tow a really long rainbow flag.
you get what 5 cars to start and then $40 more bones to get the rest.
Any car built by mall food court pizza chains is bad.
This seems like a great idea. Add cheap turbo to cheap engine and have nothing in the end because the turbo asplodes and ruins everything and now how to buy a new engine as well as new turbo.
Of course maybe I just think every chinese turbo blows its wheels.
yeah so... then... why bother calling 911?
how do they confirm it’s a real cop?
lowering a car is for either better looks or better handling or better aero but this doesnt do any of those. In fact it looks incredibly stupid. total failure.
those are hubcaps also it has new turbochargers? as in more than one?
google says store is un private. so you should make it a private connection maybe i dont know i feel old now.
redneck seems a bit harsh.
It looks liek some kind of multiplayer automotive base website video game hopefully similar to the twisted metal series but with more emoticons.
The second one was so violent your face will fall off.
or just do what i do
they coulda done like half the jumps and spent the time building a better jump.