Frank Grimes

miata oil pan seals rear main seals weld in AN fitting for turbo oil drain fix stripped manifold stud cleaning engine bay new clutch installing the drivetrain.

I know but what is the dude doing sitting on it...

we chose black silver and white because our skies are usually blue rather than black silver and white

im so bored with car designs. when will cars have triangles again!
and do crazy daring crap.
Look at this lotus! IT MAKES THE AIRPLANE LOOK OLD!!!

Was the goal to make the biggest car possible with the smallest interior space?

I really hate it.

Why not just lean forward? doesn’t that produce the same effect instead of buying a stool?

the bag of a spoiled little twerp high school student.

Yet you took the time to post...thanks.

So in your belief system indians are to be respected but mormons and christians aren’t?

And because I am white and american I am somehow responsible for genocide? People who wear indian costumes should have harm come to them and you are ok with this?

Like I said before you are a

You live in a strange hypocritical world. A place where it seems doing wrong things to people is only wrong if you agree with the victims or it’s popular to agree with them.

i bet it tastes like blue gatorade.

I wonder what is more offensive dressing up as an indian or using the lord and saviors name in vain.

that ankle flexibility...

bagel dogs are glorious and proof the bagel dough is a legit option. pun intended.

ooof I bet he was dressed up more like his ninja turtle friend.

So many AOL cds.

But rolling coal is still illegal.

I am sorta confused its only 55hp but 3 cylinders? and judged by the size of the intake and exhaust tube diameter its not a small 3 cylinder.

Why did he always wear the same outfit on every show?

It’s better than anything they have ever made in recent history. Why cant they make this and sell if for like $25k

that air hose is barely giving that impact proper air. also I bet it was too long and the fittings too small.