
"The question is, what did those kids do to provoke getting struck?"

Soccer fans will really appreciate his gamesmanship when Mike Brown jumps up and plays like nothing happened.

The Times story says Roberts is unmarried and has no children. After Billy Hunter put half his family on the union's payroll, it's no wonder the players hired her.

Not surprised the the teenagers tried to move on to other assumed vacant properties in the Miami metropolitan area. A baseball stadium can only provide limited hours of amusement.

So lots of tongue, got it.

Better moves than Trent Richardson!

I don't know about you, but I came to watch Tony Randazzo, so I got my money's worth.

Ballmer: I wanna make this Seattle basketball team more successful!

Awful pun? Absolutely, but don't act like it wasn't endearing.

The rest of the field was later disqualified for excessively celebrating that Kenya isn't in Europe.

And then they marry you.

What a short-sighted, stupid idea. The NBA, NFL and other comparable billion dollar leagues have all seemed to realize that all allowing fans to post clips does is to encourage and grow the grassroots fan base of their respective sports. Those clips are posted by and watched by millions that love their sport. While it

Yeah, I knew only about 2% of people would get that one, but that those 2% would be highly entertained!

Nathan was just auditioning for his post-baseball career in wrestling as one of the new Full Blooded Italians.

The good news is that there's no possible way that Sarafin could be a distraction to the team as long as their coach is Todd Graham.

Things did get awkward during one meeting when Mitchell mentioned that he was a split end. The book club then spent the next 45 minutes recommending various shampoos and salons.

"Don't draft this guy."

Poor Daniel looks like his dad bet his entire life savings on Germany to win the World Cup.

Adam Dunn: That's easy. Watch. I'm juxtapose to hit home runs, but I usually end up striking out instead. If I'm not shitting the bed, I'm probably dealing with consternation. Adam Dunn... more like Adam Dunnohowtotakeawalk, AMELIORATE?!!

Probably should of just knock his ex-girlfriend out to get a lesser suspension instead