
You look absolutely fantastic in the costume by the way

It is a debunked myth that searing locks in juices.

Third time today. Once in IMAX.

My showing is for December 17th at 7:00PM in Montreal.

There really is an octopus with flashlight tentacles living on Europa!

More precisely, when the scientist decides to play with the snake penis.

No kidding.

Didnt know that had happened.

It is UNREAL how good Hugh Laurie’s accent was in House. Masterful is the only word that comes near describing the epic talent.

It’s actually a fantastic idea.

Hey Man,


This is my workstation. Three 30" Dell, two U3011 and one U3014.

Bring out the applause GIF!

Is Jason Lee Scott still doing porn?

That looks like a body buried in the corner of his garden.

Isn't Damon Lindelhof the absolute worse? In everything he writes he creates faux-suspense by never bothering to resolve any intrigue he seeded previously, and when he tries, it's always with some sort of metaphysical plot device. He's such a fucking hack. Absolutely terrible.

I have watched the series in totality about a dozen times and while I didn't love the ending I felt it was fair. it certainly WASN'T a deus ex machina, before the entire angel thing is foreshadowed from the very beginning of the mini-series. It was always Moore's vision and intention to make Head Six what she was, so

The Galactica jumping in the atmosphere so vipers can launch is one of the best sci-sci scene I have ever seen in my life. It will forever be engrained in my "vivid memory" drawer. The entire episode was just stellar.

I CANNOT wait until they find the giant lightning octopus that lives down there!