
My name is there for net neutrality, and somebody with my name from another state posted a form letter against the Obama administration’s “overreach” and against net neutrality.

I guess I know what I’m doing with that cookie tin in the company lunch room. Then again, I don’t think anyone is clamoring to steal a hybrid Toyota Highlander.

iPhone 7 Plus with iOS 11 here. Can’t say I’ve experienced any of the above issues. The only thing that’s happened to me is twice the phone locked up solid so I had to do a hard reset, but other than that, no problems.

If this is real, like, REALLY REAL, this will be the hottest car in the history of cars.

Not enough stars in the world for that reply.

Not Google

Yeah, give access to all your photos to a third-party app so it can look for nude pictures of yours and filed them, sounds like a great idea.

Step #1. Don’t be a lying racist.

When I was in my 2o’s, I had a cute butt, perky tits and tiny waist. (But no silicone tits right under my chin.) Now I’m almost 67. After two pregnancies and a hard bout with breast cancer 18 year ago, I have a saggy ass, thick waist, poochy tummy and lopsided boobs. I still go to the gym to increase my muscle mass,

the ban is not a ban

Quick! I need a large mountain, a 176kW diesel generator, and the worlds largest megaphone and a linked hack into every cellphone on the planet! That way I can properly announce to everyone at the same time in the LOUDEST way possible that “NOBODY GIVES A SHIT.”

D.B. Pooper

“Sanitation engineers”

Fun fact, I am a Network Engineer on my recently upgraded job title.

Do I have any formal engineering training?
No... just spending lots of time with Civil/Mech. Engineers.

It’s a cholinesterase inhibitor. Stops the brain from sending nerve messages down the spinal cord within thirty seconds. Any epidermal exposure or inhalation and you’ll know. A twinge at the small of your back as the poison seizes your nervous system...

But she took the bedframe in the divorce!

This is a thought I have a lot. I think at 36, I'm more well adjusted and a WAY better potential partner than I ever have been. However, I sometimes wonder if I am ever going to find someone who is my male equivalent? I wasn't stupid enough to have a kid with anyone, get married (and divorced) or do anything to fuck

Nope. It's always fine not to tip someone. Your pay isn't my problem, nor is your conscious decision to opt for a lower-paying job packaging to-go orders instead of waiting on tables. Don't like the result of your decision? Change it.

Saw the headline, thought it would be a great read, something that would benefit me, and I'm immediately greeted with "You're an idiot and you probably shouldn't talk to anyone. Ever again. " So much for that article. Sorry my perceptions bother you so much.