
The company I work for is designing and building one of these for the Navy. Pretty damn cool weapon, that's for sure!

My parents are in their late 60s. I doubt my dad even knows what facebook is, and my mom probably knows what it is, but she doesn't have an account. I do have my sister as a facebook friend, though.

@ieatbabies: I kinda agree with you on the new Vinyl trend. Seems somewhat pointless to me since everything is recorded digitally these days.

@mindf1ow: I have a 32GB one, I just copied over an HD episode of Castle that I downloaded via iTunes. A 43 minute episode is taking up 1.37GB, so figure a full movie would be around 3GB

I bet those ladies served some delicious TWA tea on those flights.

@Burning_Man: That's a bit unfair. Every single WWII game that has come out has you slaughtering Germans and Japanese, yet you don't see a rise in animosity towards them (due to the video games). It's a video game shooter, you shoot the bad guys. In this case, the bad guys happen to be evil Koreans.

Everyone commenting saying that $1.1k isn't cheap: This is an LED TV with local dimming....1.1k is pretty cheap for a set with that. Most ones you find from other manufacturers run near 2k. LG has a 42" that lists for $1700, and I don't think that Samsung or Sony make a 42" with local dimming.

@Yarrr: 'course in the summer time, that tactic works against you...

@HallaEks: And if you want to really get technical, that is not a picture of a revolver, it's a pistol. yeah, no kidding. The legislator that came up with this bill probably has a crap load of stock in a company that makes the back up cameras.

These kids can not hold their milk these days!

THPS 2 and the first THUG were the best of the Tony Hawk series.

@zzznowihate: Xzibit's head would explode from that.

No worries, I put a 320GB drive in my OG 60GB PS3 a while back.

Ahh, Black Friday....the day I traditionally stay way the f**k away from all shopping establishments.

I'm flying to London on Monday, so I'll have the pleasure of being scanned.