
Does it itch, or are you itchy anywhere else on your body at all? It could be a hive, i.e. a mild localised allergic reaction of some kind. But I really know nothing, so I would also explore the possibility it's a wart, as others have suggested.

Try, if you can, not to take it personally, because it's really not about you. Teens and pre-teens are unfortunately just repulsive sometimes, and your best bet is probably to protect yourself emotionally as much as you can. My repulsive phase came on later, but I still have real guilt for the horrible time I gave my

Anorexia/orthorexia treatment is so, so difficult, because so much of it focuses on trying to persuade the person to gain weight, which is, as the clinical psych said, kind of gratifying for the anorexic and reinforces their sense of control. I mean, it's not like anorexics don't KNOW what will make them gain weight;

If I may offer a small amount of advice - bear in mind that you get to have boundaries in this too. If you don't feel you can watch her doing this to herself, you don't have to. You didn't cause her illness, and the corollary to the fact that you can't make it better is that you also can't really make it worse. Do

Since about 16 weeks I've been working out with a trainer who does prenatal fitness, and it rocks (I'm 24 weeks now). She's encouraged me to keep doing stuff I was doing before and works me hard in a safe way. The first trimester did a number on me and I did nothing from weeks 7 to 14 due to exhaustion and nausea. You

See my reply to KateFace: sadly it's very common for people with anorexia to use nutritionists to develop new and "better" ways to reduce and calorie-control. The challenge is that the anorexic behaviours are actually the huge distraction created by the eating-disordered person to manage other feelings by rigidly

I'm sorry you're in this situation; it's really tough. Sadly, I've been through it with an anorexic friend, and there really is nothing you can do to change her behaviour. Another challenge is that people with eating disorders frequently do lie to cover up their behaviours, and it can be hard when you realise that

"I think Music Town is torn on the revealing clothing issue!"

I never said otherwise. I just said that it's nice to see the usual narrative being reversed. I haven't talked about the fact that "men's work" is frequently more highly valued and highly paid, though that is relevant, and often skews things in the "well, your job wasn't important anyway, honey" direction.

What if she actually enjoys her job more than he does? What if he enjoys doing most of the childcare, and she doesn't especially? Sure, each person's "market worth" as an employee will inevitably get considered, but it's far from the only factor.

If yours weren't, OK. But I've talked to lots of adults who felt they really suffered because of moves when they were kids.

Isn't that part of the sexist default, though? The dude's job is the most important thing in the family, so everyone moves for it. What about his wife's job? What about the kids' friends? It's actually nice to see the high-flying man make the sacrifice for once.

Now that I think of it, a few other things were left without concrete resolution - who raises Tui's baby and indeed Tui? On no planet is a 12-year-old fit to single-parent the child of rape she never wanted. Again, though, I thought the implication was that Robin and Johnno will become de facto parents to both.

heh, could be. I liked her complexity; she was a good influence on many of the women, but she wasn't above being vindictive and short-tempered. When she tells Robin the investigation will bring her very low, she's right, but she's also clearly motivated by being pissed off with Robin and wanting to put her in her

It's in process! But 1) we have a lot going on right now and 2) we got a little hooked on Masters of Sex.

It's on the list, but Fargo, Masters of Sex and Orange is the New Black are currently ahead in the next-watch rankings. :)

P.S. Tui said "no one" because she didn't know she'd been raped; the encounters took place when the kids are drugged unconscious.

To be fair, I think some of this wasn't resolved explicitly/concretely, but I thought the implications were pretty clear.

Oh, yeah, I had no problems with her glassing Sarge, I just wouldn't call that inherently "noble", since it came from blind (understandable) rage and impotence. I haven't seen True Detective, so I can't compare to those characters.