
So ugh.

You say how you would attempt to maim your abuser, I wonder if you have been in a situation where you are completely powerless? These men had power over if the women and their children had a roof and a bed. When they have that to wield, are you sure you would fight (or bite) back?

this story is disgusting, but so is your joke.

You think their surname is “UK Specimen”?

I think since she contacted him about a job he may be fired based on that. A young woman should be able to contact a man about a job without getting sexually explicit messages in response. It was definitely an abuse of his position.

I maek bill say nippel bad OK relect me

And she looks great. Fuck ‘em.

See, this is why we should put a stop to science.

Sadly, you’re fighting a losing battle attempting to push writers into reading the actual study they’re writing an article about, especially when it’s so much easier to aggregate a headline and text from another site that likewise neglected to read the actual journal paper. I mean at least read the introduction to

I know an actress who was doing an off-Broadway show and the lead actor was abusive, at one point saying he wanted to slice her eyeball with a razor which is spooky specific. No one stood up for her. As you show with you examples of others, it’s hardly limited to porn.

The latter, without a shadow of a doubt.

Slut shaming, how terribly refreshing and original!

Does Harper propose some method of identifying these so-callled christian stores? Maybe forcing everyone else to wear some kind of symbol on their clothing identifying them as nonbelievers in the invisible man in the sky and the 2000 year old book of myths, legends and prejudices.

I just felt like we needed a full shot of Rebel looking fucking BOSS in this dress. ALSO HER BAG IS A CANDY. She looks like Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century went to a fancy party and I love it.

Doesn’t matter. They give out a Nobel for economics every year. There are lots of Nobel-winning economists, but he specifically told her to go ask the one that is her husband. There is a whole long history of women not being allowed to do anything without the permission of their husbands. THAT is why this is a deeply

It’s specifically because he told her to consult her husband that it’s patronizing.

Why does she have to be so bitchy? He was only trying to help. If she doesn’t think her husband is smart, why did she marry him? And why did she have to show off how smart she is in her reply? She must be super insecure, to have to use all those complicated concepts I don’t understand. Women are so emotional... /s

I wonder if there’s a German word for “the experience of joy upon discovering that a condition once thought unique to oneself is in fact so common there’s a word for it in German.”

You’re not. She explains it more today. There has to be something “attractive” for ISIS to gain support and she just wants to understand what it is. If you don’t understand why they’re gaining followers, you can’t begin to understand how to defeat them or how to reduce the number of recruits they’re getting. Wanting

Purple Man is the douche who keeps telling random women to “smile” taken to the MOST extreme holy fucking shit. This show is amazing.