
There’s an important distinction to be made here between a leaker and a journalist. When someone leaks a document to the journalist, it’s entirely the journalist’s prerogative whether or not they want to report on that. They have not signed any NDAs and have no obligation to protect companies’ secrets. In fact, a

Oh, come on. The writer loves the series, dislikes this aspect of it, writes a piece that explains what happens in the games and what might be behind it.

You may as well watch The Thing from Another World as well since that is the “original”, though I’m sure you read that during your research


Hey man! All ‘meth’ is tool assisted. And it is all questionable.

Final Fantasy 9 is one of my favorite games and imo way better than FF7....

I highly doubt it, and I’m old enough to not be an optimist, but there’s still a shred of light in me that hopes Shadow of the Colossus features some of the cut content.

What I am more worried is what the guy said “play online with friends”...

I’d take 30 minutes of dead air over 30 minutes of Star Wars.

I bet it was Comey.

Another gun that just went off, all on its own. This epidemic of spontaneously discharging weapons needs some investigation. Maybe we need some for of control on these guns to ensure that they stop just going off. Keep them away from people so that they don’t go off on their own and kill any more people.

Or you can hit the Network button to see what the popular answer is, those have been right so far for me!

I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which

Were you hoping for an in-game revelation that the hookshot was cut? Have you been anticipating the moment, 100 hours into Breath of the Wild, where Ganon looks at Link with a sinister smile and says, “There’s no hookshot!” Were you hoping to spend 400 hours uncovering every inch of Breath of the Wild’s massive world

I wonder how many folks will take a swing at this and miss the implicit message; my guess is that the number will be fairly low, given that the initial audience is likely to be comprised primarily of folks who were already on board with the message the parody is trying to send—but still.

As for the existential

I hope it has good no multiplayer.

Sweet. I’m looking forward to this!

Were his kids there? Did he make them pay for their own meals?

My parents lived in Walsh’s district. My dad has been a pretty much straight ticket Republican for more than half a century now, but he voted GLEEFULLY for Duckworth in 2012. “Worst sack of shit Congressman I’ve ever had,” he says about Walsh.