In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.
In cases of legitimate rapists winning the Republican nomination, well, the female electorate has ways to shut the whole thing down.
Cardinals fans, amiright?
I loooooooove the suggestion that one guy makes about Lester Holt sending Hillary the questions. She was so prepared that she had to have been given them, right? No way she could actually be that studious, that polished, that prepared.
You seem to be confusing console QA with people that actually care about the content. Console QA is about making sure the game doesn’t crash, that terminology is consistent, and various other technical aspects about *how* the game functions.
I will say, out of the two sites I visit on a daily basis, Kotaku and Destructoid, I’ve seen far more intelligent posts here than I have on Destructoid. DToid seems to be filled with man-children who are only capable of posting overused memes and endless dick jokes. It’s like walking into a middle school or high…
He has a point though. And more annoyingly to offliners, every second hand copy in every game store for the next 6 months will be vanilla.
I know it’s been Nintendo’s strategy to “innovate” in system design, rather than compete with actual hardware, but I mean, have their actual innovations ever been that satisfying?
With my Wii, I plugged in a GameCube controller and used that exclusively unless required by a game to plug in the Wii-mote. So what does…
“We’re not saying Feeeeeemales *can’t* beat us Men, we’re just saying it’s...’suspicious’ You know? We’re just asking questions, is all.”
Check out the entitlement on this guy.
I don’t know if I need the narrative, but I do need something to keep me going, and I don’t know what that is yet. If getting new ships and equipment is legitimately rewarding and the gameplay is fun, that might be enough for me. If their system of procedural generation of stuff on planets is good enough that…
...a culture that infuriates me? You mean that same culture I have spent years learning about, immersed in, adapting to, and being molded by? That culture? The one that is so much a part of my identity and sociocultural context that I’ve chosen to take on Japanese nationality and live here for the rest of my life.
> *gamers act racist*
Cue my total lack of surprise at comments lamenting the sjw mindset. Oh hey GG types, you wanna know why you feel “policed?” Because this shit right here proves you can’t act like adults or even a decent human being when the situation calls for it. What this guy went through was scarring for life bullshit.
You can parry Iudex Gundyr and then stab him with the knife for big ‘ole damage. His parry timing is very lenient, especially for a boss.
Creativity can suffer from pushing any point or agenda to an extreme. However having a point to make does not neccesarily make any piece of writing better or worse. I think it all comes down to whether the story the writers are telling is a story that they want to tell. If a writer wants to talk about LGBT issues with…
LPT: Don’t base your entire online persona around a slang word for feces.
Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.
I respect your opinion but... ahh you know what, fuck your opinion, Kojima is great.