He’s going Super Satan!
He’s going Super Satan!
Should have shipped with matchmaking. For a game so focused on co-op, it's really a shame that so many people have to turn to user-run apps and sites to find a group to play with.
I wish they made the in-game graphics look more like the puppets. Or heck, make all the cockpit calls FMVs using the puppets and make the game look like stop-motion models. I wish StarFox was more like Thunderbirds. :p
Mission 51, “The Phantom Mission,” but I can’t really give details without spoilers. I’ll just say that the characters of Eli and the Third Boy are left unfinished without it.
Nah, the only way to get it was on a bluray that comes with the collector’s edition, it was called the Phantom Episode (51). I’ve S-ranked 49 of the missions so far, so I’m pretty sure.
The plot is most certainly not lacking. There is one large plot thread left dangling after the end because of a cut mission, but you can find it on youtube now and not be missing much of anything. The story is fantastic.
Yes, they showed that off at the end of the FOB gameplay video.
As much as people criticize the story in these games, I find it scratches the same itch for me as debating if Decker was a replicant or not, or picking apart the ending of 2001: a Space Oddessy, or dissecting the themes in the Silent Hill games. Each Metal Gear game has such a strong theme and message and every part…
They made him with terminator genes so that he dies quickly after his “peak” so that the military wouldn’t have to pay out social security for a bunch of clones. They’re disposable people, basically, so they’re designed to be trained over 18 years, serve for 20 or so at peak physical condition and then rapidly age…
MG: Blow up a bad robot.
I’m rather sure it was actually a non-canon sequel to the original Metal Gear. It seems to ignore the events of MG2:SS and start with Snake being taken out of retirement in Alaska. The game references the events of Metal Gear as having happened seven years ago, and Snake is implied to be in retirement that whole time.
2016, two years before MGR:R, but in an alternate continuity.
Well, Ghost Babel is mostly a retelling of MGS1, but it takes place in 2002 in a different universe. Ac!d takes place in 2016 and Ac!d 2 takes place some time after that (as the main character is a clone of the character from Ac!d 1 and is fully grown, it’s likely 20-30 years later.) Interestingly, Ac!d 2 has a…
Well, at least it takes the best design elements of each console. I’d like that grill on my ps4.
I don’t really know what you mean by “That also prevents Gamestop from making money off of that interest.” Gamestop makes the same amount of money if I buy the game day 1 whether or not I preordered. And many companies that I would like to support (the Double Fine Adventure documentary actually points this out) also…
I don’t have to go around looking for the game, I can pay for it in increments instead of dropping 60 bucks at once, I get a call from the store to remind me that the game I was looking forward to is in, and sometimes there’s a few knick-knacks or preorder bonuses. And it doesn’t inconvenience me to be out 5$ for a…
My local Gamestop requires 5$ down, holds the game for up to a week after release with all the goodies, and is perfectly willing to give me my money back if the reviews for the game are bad, or if I just want the money back. I am guaranteed a copy of the game with no requirement to purchase, the store knows how many…
Everything about the Kinect was completely baffling. Did you see Peter Molynoux’s Natal game at e3 2009, Milo? Yeah, this not only looks like the least fun evolution of Seaman ever, but also looks like complete bullshit.