I keep hearing a lot about this “preorders need to die” thing and I just don’t get it. Preorders are incredibly important for a lot of studios, especially smaller ones who use preorders to judge allocations and how far into the red they can go when finishing up a game (look at the Double Fine documentary for this sort…
That cover has Immortan Joe’s face... But those are Gas Town big rigs and polecats. :/
At this E3, Sony announces that P.T. being one of the most downloaded things on the Playstation network and then announces that they’ve picked up Guillermo Del Toro and Hideo Kojima and given them a studio to make a new horror IP. Norman Reedus is attached.
Hohokum is free for PlayStation plus members in May, so no excuses! :3
Ooh, he’s even better looking without the mask! Surprise ending!
We specialize in making people feel very uncomfortable. It’s why we’re successful today. If you get it, you get it. If you don’t, stay home.
For the chalice dungeons, you can actually set a password, set your dungeon to public, then ring the bell inside and have your friends go to the short root altar and click “search for quick co-op” which searches for anyone ringing a summoning bell in a dungeon and joins them. You just need the short root chalice. :3
Most teaching jobs pay less than the minimum required to be considered middle class, meaning the majority of your teachers are living around the poverty line unless they make tenure, and then they're just above the middle-class line. Yaaaay...
I agree with pretty much everything here, but the gameplay certainly wasn’t where Dying Light was hurting from unoriginality. Its art style is bland and standard, which is mostly fine for the theme and the setting, but the story, the environment; there’s nothing new there either. People like me play games to have new…
Yes, yes, everyone is oh so impressed that everyone can kill themselves in the dream. Now have we gotten it out of our systems? I'm kinda sick of having to cycle through three bloodstains to shop already.
Be sure to visit the candy stall in the Grave of the Fireflies section for a taste of crippling depression!
Reading between the lines here: "I could go after oil companies, the military-industrial complex, or corporate banking schemes, but I decided to fight the real injustice in this world: video game companies charging for online services."
For those who don't know, chlorine gas is so dangerous because it combines with moisture in the lungs, turning into hydrochloric acid inside the body of anyone who breathes it in. This leads to possible third-degree burns internally, ruptured lungs, and internal hemorrhaging that leads to a painful and violent death.…
beta male White Knights