
I think one of the problems is that horror is not -surreal- anymore. It's dead bodies and killers and real places, not dreams and nightmares and imagery. The alien in Alien was scary because it was something we've never seen before... But over the years it became so ubiquitous that it's rather tame now. Games need to

I have the same problem, and it's a shame, because horror games are my favorite genre. :c I was creeped out by Rule of Rose, Silent Hill 1-4, Fatal Frame 1-3... But since the playstation 2 nothing has really done it for me. Dead Space or Outlast were surprising in places, but never actually frightening. I'm loving

Sounds like the kind of guy who makes flash games on Newgrounds.

Am I the only one that thinks the C-stick looks terribly uncomfortable to use? Like worse than the original PSP analog stick.

That's usually how I play Metal Gear anyways. 'Oh, I got spotted, time to reset.'

He may have lost an eye, but he's still right-handed. Besides, if he switched sides, the cartridges would eject right into his face instead of away from him. Those guns are meant to be fired from the right shoulder regardless of disability. His depth perception would suck, but he's an experienced soldier and can

You mean Final Fantasy XIII? No, I'm absolutely sure that even if I knew every part of what's happening, it's still a terrible story. The characters have no development and their motivations are flimsy, it is paced terribly, it explains nothing to the audience, and it doesn't make sense. It has a few neat ideas (for

Well, you could make the same argument about Final Fantasy. Plenty of nostalgia, but only a handful really held up at all. XIII is where it started to become really obvious that the characters are vapid and the story has a lot of rhyme but little reason, but it's been the case since at least VII, though at least that

My thoughts exactly. For me, getting excited about a new Final Fantasy game is like getting excited about a new Sonic the Hedgehog game. It's going to have to go far out of its way to prove its worth considering how tarnished the name is.

Thanks for taking the time to write this. Video game consulting sounds like it's pretty interesting, what kinds of qualifications would you need to break into this as a career and how would you recommend getting started?

Sorry, that was a joke again, what I meant was that I've been watching livestream footage of protesters carrying signs being beanbaged with shotguns by cops in riot gear and APCs for the last few days. I'm ready to jump to the conclusion that things are way out of hand.

Last I heard, they were teargassing the news crews, so right now the only front page headline on the subject is "OH GOD MY EYES MY EYES FEEL LIKE THEY'RE ON FIRE."

Sorry, I meant that as hyperbole—as a joke. Didn't mean to misinform. As far as I know, only the military can formally declare Martial Law, not the police.

Cops in Japan in trouble for punching an arcade machine, calls it "inexcusable."

it's a known fact in the Silent Hill universe that there are multiple realities

How did you make that leap of logic? The only system this has been announced for so far is the PS4.

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Now playing

Kojima said that he expected it to take people a week at least to complete P.T. Nice to have a game that doesn't insult our intelligence for once. I'd take this over Shattered Memories'... "puzzles" any day.

Makes up for all the Xbox 'fans' complaining about Destiny getting extra stuff on the PS4, I guess.

As long as the main character didn't murder a family member/see a family member killed and must sort out their guilt with the help of the magical therapist town, Silent Hill, like the last 4 games and as long as there are no silly multiple dimensions like the last 3 or so... I have high hopes.