
The Room is worth playing halfway through at least, but no, you can skip every one after that. Homecoming was almost scary in places, but the ridiculous story and terrible acting, framerate issues, gameplay, and puzzles make it unplayable. Downpour has pretty much the same issues, except it's also boring on top of not

Souls don't go to Silent Hill, people do.

Looks more accurate than Watch_Dogs' Chicago.

Oh, their mom was standing right there. xD Yea, they got a bit more from their trade-ins for pre-ordering, which is good. It got them about $9 extra, and they spent $5 on the pre-order, so it lowered their out-of-pocket cost to $26. Still a good deal.

It is if it's a game you were planning on buying anyway, and if you change your mind, you can just get your $5 back or move it to something else. I don't make commission—my job is customer service—so I really don't care about sales as much as making sure my customers get what they want for as cheap as possible.

That's true. It all depends on how much you trade and spend on used stuff in the year. So yesterday, these two brothers came in, both asking for Battlefield 4 new, one of them was trading in two games. Brand new, Battlefield 4 is $29.99, used is $27.99, and he was getting about $30 for his trades. So what I suggested

My mistake, then. n.n

Can't say I disagree. I usually estimate the trade value at around 30% of what we sell it for used. If this simplification thing is accurate, you'll be getting half the used price in trade credit for any given game. You can still get more for it on ebay and such, but a lot of the customers we get trading things in are

Could be my mistake, but I dunno. n.n

Yeah, you're right. Hopefully if they simplify things a bit it will be easier to explain that. xp

Everyone was briefed on the new sales tactics, ("use "sell" instead of "trade" etc.) but the simplification and raising of trade-in prices is news to me, especially since we're doing an extra 50% promotion in two weeks.

Simplifying is good.

Never forget.

That sounded great, yea. :3 I was like "What could the Hive even do with a captured ghost?" and the prospects were pretty scary.

Is Bill Nighy the voice of the Speaker? Because it sounds an awful lot like him.

They undulate like a Newgrounds flash game.

Five months? Ew, it's probably all gone bad by now... xp

Pretty sure they ripped the character sprites right from Jump Ultimate Stars.