
The more things change, the more they stay the same. :c

She misspelled "assholes."

I was trying to imagine what this would look like if it was people of color saying they didn't need the civil rights movement. Then I got it.

I like this revision much more. I agree that consent can be a difficult thing, especially with a lack of experience... But no, it certainly wasn't Temkin's obligation, duty, or responsibility to make that discussion happen. He was personally accused of rape, and defended himself from those charges. If he wanted to

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - Hero (earn an S rank for every mission)

The Scott Pilgrim game was a pretty good beat-em-up. I dunno if it made its way to PC though.

Fans of video game feel entitled to things! News at 11!

Yea, I skimmed the article looking for mention of Karl and all I found was WoW, which I know nothing about. xp

You could always watch a Let's Play or something. Two Best Friends did a great playthrough of it and while it drags in the middle (parts 4-8 not much really happens) it's a riot to listen to them play through the whole thing. n.n

Define "good." n.n;

It's kinda hard to get into. The first half is slow and the gameplay is awful, but it really picks up in the second half when things start getting really weird. n.n

It's kind of easy to lampshade it when you can say that Usagi was just too dumb to recognize him, though. xD

Well, every episode this season, at least. In the original anime, they changed it up every few seasons. This is a remake, so I'm not sure if it follows the same rules, but many shows start with a lower budget that grows over the seasons, not to mention the animators improve over the course of the show, so they look

It's a little jerky and the CG sucks.

I like how Mamoru is just walking around in his Tuxedo Mask outfit but with sunglasses instead of a mask and cape.

Woah, let's not throw around the word "inside" when talking about stock trading. I don't need to go to jail with Martha Stewart over here. :p

No, not at all. But they should have an interest in the long-term gains of a company over the short-term profits. Many of the people that invest just to make money and sell off their stock do not have the best interests of the company at heart and don't care if it fails after they've made their money. That's

You're right, the global market did collapse just a few years ago due to predatory lending and harmful banking and investment practices and no one responsible had to deal with any consequences at all, so... Yea, it'll probably be a while. :I