
That's how capitalism used to work. If you worked for a company for long enough, you began to accrue stock in the company. Many of the shareholders were prior employees or people with an interest in the company. Detachment probably started around the 60s with public brokers, but capitol investment wasn't quite a thing

...That guard is taking a piss, right?

The people that have absolute influence over a company not caring about what the company does is precisely the problem with modern capitol investment. :c

I hope that Nintendo's shareholders' meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company's business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.

Sounds like the dicks were the ones doing the talking in the Nintendo stockholder meeting.

We had one like it in the US, but it was kinda crappy. They let people touch the exhibits and they just rectum. I hope this one doesn't tank the same way.

And what better way to say that than a group of potties singing a song called "Thanks Toilet" (ありがトイレ or "arigatoire") at the end of the exhibit.

Yes, the slide magically turns grown adults into children! Amazing.

They practically are. Condom vending machines are in most bar bathrooms, clinics will hand them out for free if you ask, and you can buy them at any Wal-Mart and Target across the US. Men want to have sex without having babies? Go for it! Women want to have sex without having babies or take birth control for medical

I don't know anyone who thinks this game is bad. The combat is terrible and the bosses are unfair, but everyone I know adored the game. n.n

Looks more playable than Sonic '06.

The story was nonsensical, the characters were standard anime tropes, and the battle system is cheap at best and completely broken at worst—not to mention completely unexplained by the in-game tutorials or the manual.

I'll make no excuses for the awful escort quest that makes up the whole second half of the game, but gosh darnit if Silent Hill 4 isn't one of the scariest in the series.

I don't know anyone else who has even heard of this one.

And no kills. :/

It would be neat if there were, like, hue/tone/saturation sliders for the full spectrum. o3o

Ugh. :c

Yea, I agree, but the issue is that Ubisoft didn't say that. They said that they planned to have a female character, but scrapped it because it would require too many resources. Even though in the last few Assassin's Creed games, they had female characters in multiplayer that used the same animations as the male and

As I understand it,

Well, they said in the video that anyone can wear any of the clothing in the game, so... Good news~ :3