David Cross has a great bit on eating gold:
David Cross has a great bit on eating gold:
I - DON'T - KNOW - !
You never know about that bear! Don't forget that Kate the Great is gestating her royal grandbaby as we speak. If it's a girl and they incorporate the name Diana into it, who knows???
Well this one is going for $500,000, but honestly I'd recommend waiting to see if there's a Princess Diana II before selling. Seems premature right now. But I don't consider myself an expert, I really prefer to focus on the cabbage patch market.
I find it rich that Jezebel is condemning another blog for sensationalist, clickbait material. Sure, maybe you don't have misleading article titles but I haven't seen xoJane publish actual photos of a rape victim mid-assault lately. Oh, or post a rape victim's name after her family expressly wished it wouldn't become…
Somewhere, Frank Gallagher is taking notes.
Better yet, how about one of these beauties?
Did anyone else celebrate 4/20 today? My girlfriend convinced me to take some tincture of marijuana/Green Dragon, and now I feel like dying. We're seasoned stoners, but holy crap does that stuff knock me out.
I think Kyosuke posted this on Groupthink last night with a 10x more insightful take on what was going on. For those of you struggling to interpret this, maybe take a look at that thread? http://groupthink.kinja.com/psys-new-gentl…
Remember your strategy of not over thinking things? Keep using it. Remember, it's just a second date. Either you go on it or you don't. Try not to let it get to you.
I'm watching my 2.5 year old niece for the night. She is the cutest thing in the world, especially her love for my boyfriend. She talks about him all the time, then when he comes over she gets all shy. he has been around since she was less than a year old. Do you think she should call him "uncle"? It was a matter of…
How do you all feel about the uncollege movement? I'm a supporter for a lot of things, but some things I feel you do need to go to college for. Has anyone here successfully self educated themselves on anything? (uncollege.org)
This whole dating game thing is stressful and sucks my motivation to do anything. I called a girl yesterday wanting to ask her out on a second date. We had a good first date and afterword she said she'd like to meet up again. Later that day I messaged her saying I had a good time and am looking forward to next…
OK, can we talk about TV?
Bloody hell but I only LOVED Swingers when I first saw it - alone in a cinema in Dublin, cos I thought my friends wouldn't be into it. They did bloody love it too! - cos I 'forced' them to to see another time. My fave scene in Swingers is Jon Favreau's character Mike leaving repeated messages to the girl he just met…