Internet commenter feels triggered by another commenter's statement and immediately deduces that it must have something to do with moral superiority, because - what else could it be?
Internet commenter feels triggered by another commenter's statement and immediately deduces that it must have something to do with moral superiority, because - what else could it be?
Or if it approached at a canter?
Oh, when they're broken and building management doesn't fix them, I grab a letter opener and just bust that sucker wide open. Then I leave a big note on it that says "Broken, please fix" on the open door, just to be extra passive aggressive.
How to Deal With Not Getting Closure - a Tried and True New England WASP Method.
But what if the sister only got them a gift basket?! Or worse—100$?!
"Because young women are far more impressionable than young men."
Then explain Axe Body Spray.
Team Let's Talk Diets!
Not the most legal way, fair enough.
But the guy on the right has a debilitating condition you as a hetero-dude might not be familiar with. It's call arseholeface.
Lindy—I can't even. While I'm sure you are able to wade through this bullshit with aplomb, I offer my angriest GIFs, strongest words of condolence, and raised feminazi fist of solidarity.
This is not an "article" "about drooling" it is a Snap Judgment, a photo post. Jezebel wonders about you sometimes. Christ.
That was funny. Have some more squee.
I believe in avoiding skin cancer and practicing safe sex. That's why, when I go to the beach, I wear a full-length body condom. It's super effective!
I love this thread so much I would let it birth my children
Dudes who care that much about our pubes are probably the types who would dump us when we're old anyway so why strive to please them?
Same. My husband is 43, I'm 35 and I have a full on vag-fro. It is a 1970s Joy of Sex bush. I trim for a swim and that's it. That I look as though I have a gorilla in a leg-lock has not stopped my husband from enjoying my womanly delights.
I am a straight woman, and for anyone other than a male sexual partner I have no preference, but in the case of a sexual partner, I dislike completely shaved pubes firstly because it's a turn-off for me for some reason, and secondly because it seems to indicate vanity and self-obsession (sorry).
Hey, don't be so hard on the guy. It's not like you can type "full bush porn" into Google and get millions of results.
This girl is a friend of mine. People commenting on her looks, really? If she were a man, would her looks be an issue? Also, you do realize that her entire house was wiped out. She doesn't exactly have a lot of access to makeup and such to look put together for a CNN interview in front of tornado rubble. She's a good…