
Getting On is one of the best shows on TV, yet I rarely hear anything about. All the performances are standout. Laura Metcalf will make you cringe (in a good way) and Nash is amazing. If you haven’t checked it out, DO.

IMO, the President is adorable.

that’s bat-flip crazy

As an Aliso resident, yes. You are correct.

This makes total sense when you consider the school. Pictured: the average Aliso Viejo/Laguna Niguel parent.

Calm down, guys. We’re talking about people who live behind the Orange Curtain, here. If you cross Stepford with the Religious Right, you get the typical O.C. pearl clutcher. Everything about this story is so Orange Country, I can’t even.

finally, somebody told him to Mackle-less

Key boards and knee boards.

Tarp Queen (1738)

who is this adorable man and how is he not my best friend

This right here is the literal picture of not giving a fuck.

I don’t know, he looks like fun at least. And I would totally sleep with him.

Crack journalist Kevin Draper

I’m trying to make them look more attractive. Just because they’re psychotic fundies doesn’t mean they can’t look their best.

To get a good haircut, you have to encounter gay people.

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

Are we sure @MyTweetsRealAF is not Kobe himself?