Damn his wikipedia page is long.
Damn his wikipedia page is long.
Yes, the “life value” of someone from a Western country, especially a soldier, is very high too. I would not advocate sending in people to potentially die because that’s just trading one too-high cost for another. And besides, the equipment that infantry uses on the ground is too expensive too.
I think you’re right that it’s better to “use it or lose it”. I wish there was more information about the service life of munitions being used, but I understand there are very real operational security reasons for why the military doesn’t like to make information like that available/popular.
The terrorists are winning because their lives are worth less than the money we spend to kill them. Sure, you might say that that’s OK because it’s the principal of the matter that’s important. But you can’t pay for weapons with principals.
Is Fox & Friends like that every day, or did they choose today to bust out the weapons-grade patriotism?
He can’t say they did a good job, in case they did something bad.
Yeah but then someone can break into your house and steal your keys. So when they kill someone with your car, it’s your fault for not keeping your keys in a key safe.
Time for a Faraday cage.
The PS3 was badass for its time, and that was $600 on release.
There should be an international treaty that if a person is ever found to have saved the world from nuclear annihilation, then that person no longer has to pay for anything ever again. They would be allowed to just walk into stores and start grabbing stuff, and the government of whatever country they’re in would pay…
“I drive an electric! I’m morally superior! I drive an electric! I’m morally superior!”
Maybe those guys that were installing whistle tips on exhausts can take up this new job. Both jobs are pretty much achieving the same results, just for different reasons. And yes, I know electric cars don’t have exhausts. The sound-generating device doesn’t need to literally be an exhaust whistle.
not everything they do has to be attached to a paycheck.
They wanted him to pick a fight against the brown Muslims. They never wanted him to attack a “white” secular guy (Assad).
Could be both reasons to be honest.
If he did that he would ruin a second family Christmas. :^)
You know what gets me about people like that?
So.... crazy idea:
In all the successful couples I know in which the two people speak different languages making an effort to learn the other’s language is crucial.
Ronch’s hidden ability is “Overweight”.