Because its owned by Gawker, and they always unashamedly bash what they don't believe in. Just ask Erin Ryan.
Because its owned by Gawker, and they always unashamedly bash what they don't believe in. Just ask Erin Ryan.
I think you are confusing Drone with Droid.
I don't see why not. Although Ive never heard of any taco place delivering. Thats usually for pizza and Chinese food. I don't know why, thats just how it is. Burgers too. No Delivery. If you want a taco or a burger, you need to get your fat ass off the couch and drive down there. Now, please don't give me that "Theres…
and the flat brim.
BF4 for 39.99 at Amazon today. Free 2-day shipping if you sign up for an Amazon Prime trial.
Oh you poor baby! You had to wait 5 whole minutes? Doesn't Microsoft know that you are a special little entitled snowflake?
This is a condition that has affect me as well. Its very frightening. Luckily its not permanent.
You guys, please be Nice.
Actually this is the first thing has made me interested in a 3DS. Funny i read your comment first.
or he was just making a simple comment.
dot dash dot dot dot dash dot. (no)
if you want "backwards compatibility", why don't you just keep your 360/ps3 hooked up? I mean, no one is telling you to box it up when you bring home the new system.
Fuck off and die millennial puke.
Its assholes like you that make the world miserable.
you twerk.
and entitlement.
waiting for GOTY edition
that sir, was racist.
Anything with ethnic overtones that you don't agree with is racist.
Ive never seen snow.