Buh Bye THQ.
Buh Bye THQ.
One person's opinion. Nothing more.
You do realize that you can buy it AFTER you and your friends play BF4. Hell, you could buy it YEARS from now. This is not a race. Or you could handle it your way, and tell everyone to fuck off.
lolderp....it works fine.
Jeez get over it dude.
I won't ever buy a Facebook⢠Rift.
Oh really... where did you get your crystal ball?
Have you ever seen that movie, "Jacob's Ladder"?
I like it. Im glad it doesn't have curves.
I want 3d Bluray.
In America, Violence = Good. Sex = Bad.
Excuse me, but you got your Ecofascism in my video games.
The Jacko one is brilliant.
It's only 28". I use my 50" as a monitor and it looks great.
This is disappointing, and that "offer" sucks.
Where is this exactly? 360? One? I have both and have not noticed it.
"And so here we are, saying nasty things about FOX"...as usual.
I'll bet you're not sure of a lot of things.
Nobody. Great argument.
Perhaps these are the same people who use contractions like, "it'd".