
I had a 05 Touareg v8 that was replaced with a renegade trailhawk for gas mileage reasons (and uh.. maintenance costs at 150k/13yrs old). After spending 2 weeks in a rental v6 awd atlas I would seriously consider one of these as a replacement for the renegade when that time comes. The atlas feels cheap in a lot of

Garbage american TV is garbage.. what else is new. 

Sure, but like I said, its heavily compressed cropped and a relatively simple scene. It’s not enough to really go on, imo. If you zoom into the full size of that twitter photo though the pixel side is noticeably softer and that’s a fairly simple scene.

That’s one example and they don’t give a full resolution or frame to see it. The birds seem to have quite a bit more detail on the iPhone.

Ok. So we are sort of on the same page.

Let me get this right. You don’t understand why a cheap performance coupe that is designed so poorly that it has as poor of rear visibility as a lower roof, mid engined high end sports car gets flak for being so poorly designed?

I posted my own comment before I saw this. God those 3rd gens look so good and I loved both of the 88 Si 4WS ones I had. If Honda could make a fwd car handle that well imagine what a miata like competitor would have done for Honda.

Everyone of the 3 Honda Preludes I’ve had. 2x 1988 Si 4WS models (one was my first car btw) and a 97 SH.

There’s lots of bends and turns and it is still longer than it needs to be. There’s a few different intake setups on the market that have a water to air intercooler be part of the intake which would have cut the distance in like... half. Stuff like that matters for throttle response especially on high hp builds.

Lol, funny enough you can see the half assery if you look at the venom gt. Similar layout to what they showed for the “bespoke” engine and the turbos connect to intercoolers ABOVE the intake so they make a 180 degree turn on the front side of the engine.

Yes... completely bespoke... just like the full production venom that was in fact a full production car.

“When it comes to everything that is competitive—items, PVP—these are things we’re going to be looking at very carefully in terms of what is available during the early access”

In a society where it’ll probably be pc to refer to someone as “it” so you don’t assume race/gender/species, that was funny.

God, all of my suggestions are thrown out the window by that 1 hour 12 mile commute. That’s just ridiculous, is riding it out of the question?

There’s no simple answer sure, but there’s no real argument among those with common sense which direction we should be heading, and its not the direction this administration is trying to go.

There is a simple answer actually. Stop arguing about what happened 30+ years ago and keep pushing for progress.

It’s a combination of the extremely fast racket, frame rate of the video and shutter speed of the camera. Most of those initial whacks look weird as if the racket is just teleporting. The first video at this link shows it in higher quality and it’s just hitting the ground like normal.

That’s not how it works. Yes, it will get some damage over time just from driving, but it will not have the kind of damage that it will get from the dirt that gets stuck and constantly rubbed around on the paint.

Extremely fast throttle response partly due to almost non-existent flywheel and a pretty aggressive clutch all make for poor low speed drive ability.

In Metro 2035 at the end Artyom leaves the metros with is wife and they drive into the sunset after getting radio signals from other places around the world. There were radio jammers preventing anyone from receiving anything in moscow prior to 2035. Exodus presumably tells the story of Anna and Artyom’s journey to