What workplace has most sex?
What workplace has most sex?
First Take with your host Skip Baylynx.
Clint Howard with Hair.
Shohei Ohtani is the real split king.
Canadian Club: Strong Buy.
You need to use VORG which represents how much value this game has over a replacement game of the same length. I want advanced metrics in gaming.
So who will win next year’s Elfrid Payton Man of the Hair award?
They obviously need to improve security around the racket stringing area.
They need to put him on the stand, I’m always partial to a grilled Reuben.
Bartolo Colon nearly ruined his career with fork knife but he returned bigger and better than ever.
Would you like to come over to my house and hang out?
Every rodeo eventually degenerates into send in the clowns.
It’s blue with some white bits, alright what’s the next step of the interview process?
What about Hillary’s emails in response to this question?
Young Caps fans will be angry, this could lead to a Qatari Teenage Riot.
I hear only Yanny, different volumes, different headphones, different speakers.
The only word I recognized from the commentary was “absurdo” and I agree.
It’s a boy! With no co-ordination!
There is the “legally they can’t do that argument” but in effect that should be the “anything goes as long as you do not write it down or let the candidate know you are discriminating on that basis non-argument”.
It’s a dumb lawsuit but calories mean very little to a lot of people.