Should anyone be surprised that an Arian is quoting Donald Trump?
Should anyone be surprised that an Arian is quoting Donald Trump?
I’ve spent months dribbling the ball of my foot and falling over. Totally worth it.
Even if it is being filmed that’s not how you Tube.
I work on the rule that if JR Smith would be willing to shoot the ball immediately the pass is good enough to count as an assist.
His focus should be on the steering wheel not the joystick.
Pistorius was lightly bruised while the other inmate got his ass kicked.
What would make a worse Christmas present, a 1 year subscription to the TB12 app or a pair of Big Baller sneakers?
I always though McNabb would be a kind and gentle lover as he takes it slow in the final two minutes.
Where Jeets?
How do the number of consumers compare to the number of sneakers made?
You have to protect the QB! When he is this bad don’t tackle him too hard, now you have to face his significantly better backup.
Slim Retreater
It seems highly likely that the Browns genuinely tried to fulfill the Rooney Rule but still failed to do so.
Paralympic Mascot B has the power to eat your soul.
Doug Jones is clearly wearing a communist tie.
A long time ago in a Funbag somebody asked if there was a worse sound than an old person eating a peach. Unfortunately I have the answer.
I found the lessons on the app were extremely helpful. They start off incredibly basic but quickly move up to key principles and then a series of elaborate opening and defenses. I had played a bit and was okay but this helped a lot.
Follow these 4 easy steps.
Referees hate this guy.
You won’t believe why Kevin’s being ejected.