
Belgian soccer fans only fight when they have Dutch courage to help them.

If only there were a team with a HOF QB and a history of turning malcontents into superstar performers that also happened to lose their number one WR to a torn ACL in their 3rd preseason game against the Detroit Lions that he could be traded to.

Stupid fog, Halloween is next week.

Who doesn’t love butt at the crease?

It was only a matter of time till Columbus and his crew were off to a new world.

It’s public money being used for ‘the greater good’ when it comes to bailing out investors though.

I was wondering what to compare Kaepernick kneeling for the anthem to, I’m glad Joe Fitzgerald is here to let me know it’s as bad as domestic violence.

I’m just thankful this injury in no way damaged the most beautiful face and hair in the NBA.

I remember the time I showed up my co-worker by doing a dance after I successfully printed a document 2-up. He responded by drilling me in the ribs with a stapler for disrespecting the sanctity of the copier.

These were perfect conditions for All-Star catcher Sludge Rodriguez.

That is by far the best Mortal Kombat themed dance from Kyrgyzstan I have ever seen.

Believe it or not, this may be the question I most want answered ever.

A person, a plan, a canal, panosrepa!

He may know where his field is but he has definitely lost the plot.

Phil Collins disapproves.

Cockfosters is the termination point of the Tube line that begins at Heathrow Airport. The announcement of where the train is going makes it easy to spot tourists.

Force them to use archaic password rules that have proven to be ineffective?

Yeah but 90% of people FEEL richer when they get a tax cut and everybody knows that an economy runs entirely on people’s feelings.

If Catalonia does secede from Spain it will be the greatest Bye Felipe moment of all time.