Obfuscatio: philosopher at large

Her Majesty is definitely ABOVE trolling!!

Hill reportedly prefaced his comments by telling audience members that homosexuality is “a behavior, and it’s a choice,” and that “You can say, ‘But I was born that way.’ [...] but nobody’s forcing you to engage in that relationship, even if you were born that way.”

That proposed change to the asylum process would prevent Central American migrants who have traveled through Mexico to the U.S. from claiming asylum...

The Florida plates explain it.

Read “Catch Me If You Can”, upon which the movie of the same name is based. Mr. Abagnale’s telling of how he got away with stuff is compelling. Much of it would not be possible today, but much of it still is.

Only slightly more humiliating than losing an argument to a coma patient. Just slightly.

He doesn’t know jack shit.

True, but if you’re going to kick him in the ass don’t stop at the toe. Plant it all the way up to the third eyelet.

There should already be constant hearings.

Black woman.

Ah, the Golden Dichotomy of feminism. All women are equal to men and should be treated as such. (Excellent!) ... Except those who chose motherhood itself or a “traditional” domestic life instead (read: self-imposed second class citizenry) who deserve every trite cliche we can foist upon them. (Horrible!)

Norman Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”?!?

America: Canada’s panhandle.

So the idea is to delay people paying you so that you can have an advertiser pay you.

Re: The Biebers

“I think it’s important that adults have adult disagreements on adult time, and that they not ultimately hurt kids in the process,” DeVos said at the conference.

DeVos said she “wasn’t sure her husband would be OK with that.”

Hmm... I wonder if Dipshit is aware that he’s talking about shipping through Canadian territorial waters? I wonder how comfortable he would be if Canada demanded compensation for this convenience, given the inevitable damage such shipping would cause? I wonder if he’s be all over gunboat diplomacy with America’s

Dear Betsy,

“We’re here to protect Americans from the illegals violating our sovereignty,” Brant told the Times.