... it shows how well Fitzenhagen is listening.
... it shows how well Fitzenhagen is listening.
One leg at a time?
I... don’t honestly know where you’re going with this.
A child with rudimentary critical thinking skills could tell you these people are trash, out for themselves and their pals, and willing to exploit as many people and their feelings as they can.
Are we supposed to be surprised? Fox News as a whole advises (and directly influences, it would seem) the White house - well, the President, at least - on a daily, if not hourly, basis.
Let’s face it. The NRA would be pro-pedophile if pedophiles used (actual - yeah, I saw that one coming) guns to assault children.
... legislation could lead to firearm confiscations over misdemeanor domestic violence or stalking convictions.
It’s like DeVos is Dolores Umbridge, but evil.
I forsee an epic race... for thirteenth in the second round of qualifying. Or 25th in the first round if one smelled an impending rat-fucking of the system.
The Democrats ought to hit the ground running with, “The GOP are pro-death!”
If there’s one thing the GOP will do when it comes to healthcare, it’s to fuck it up even further.
They spelled deathcare wrong.
That would save a lot of rubber, fuel and wrenching.
Basically, if a driver doesn’t start a round they’ve qualified for, all of their times will be disallowed and they’ll start at the back of the pack.
That, good sir or madam, is not a sleeper. That is a coma patient!
That is so depressingly true.
“How many miles to the DUI do you get in that thing?”
(In my best Foghorn Leghorn) I say, I say, I say... that boy’s cheese has slid clean off his cracker. He’s four cards short of a straight flush. The wheel’s still spinnin’ but the hamster is long gone.
FAKE NEWS! Reagan wouldn’t have used a saddle. The artist was clearly taking liberties with the scene.
Yes, and likewise.