Some in column A, some in column B.
Some in column A, some in column B.
I have a suspicion that all Executive Branch positions will slowly devolve to Acting [insert position here] and below. How long has the Communications Director position been vacant?
You’ve seen (in diminishing quantities, of course) Sarah Huckabee Sanders of late, right?
Yup. Trump will be pissed that Mulvaney didn’t give it the full Fraser Anning treatment.
... which focus on behavior modification...
... as she has been traveling regularly Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Ultimately, all politicians - ALL politicians - when push comes to shove... are selfish.
One might say... Trump-level moronic.
Hitler did NOTHING good.
Yup. America also seems far more partisan, and rigidly so, that in the “good ol’ days” of Tricky Dick.
“But what about the good things Hitler did?”
he hoped it would “bridge the gap between the left and the right”
he hoped it would “bridge the gap between the left and the right”
So, yes, there are people out there who believe girls, regardless of age, can consent to sex.
Either they are forcing women to abort or they are forcing women to give birth.
Oh, dang. What a pitiful shame he wasn’t already in Australia when he posted that. Perhaps they might have had the grounds to arrest, charge, and prosecute him for hate speech.
... won’t have a substantial amount of military backing.
That would only happen if Argentina claimed New Zealand as part of its territory. Gotta protect all those sheep, dontcha know.