Ford Tempo Fanatic

@64deville: I've got one. Its the most unreliable piece I've ever owned.

There can be only one: Ford Tempo.

Damn. Makes me grateful for my always-reliable Tempos.

My uncle purchased a bright red one shortly after they came out. Back then, its hard to believe, but it was the coolest car in the family. And I had an uncle with a Porsche. The Chrysler still got more attention.

Mercury Topaz. Crisp, clear, short, and with a sense of 1950s futurism.

Free roam style race tracks always get me. Not only do you have to dodge civilian cars, but you run the risk of actually getting lost during a race. Rockstar likes this style, as evidenced by Grand Theft Auto's racing sequences and Midnight Club Racing.

Ford Fiesta.

@Xelmon: What has the world come to, when a Jalopnik commenter (a star commenter no less!) is allowed to keep his sacred star, and insult the first generation Ford Taurus. The SHO Gods damn you.

I've never understood either. I grew up in a family that always had two things: a Ford F-150 (with a mid-range V8 and a 5spd.) and a Dodge Caravan. They were great at their jobs, and I had a lot of great memories in 'em.

@solomonrex: Say what you will, but I don't see a diesel option on the new Focus.

I'll stick with diesel Ford Tempos with the five speeds. Two door preferably.

Dad had many a Ford truck, but the one that struck a note with me was his '99 F-150. Incredible machine. Sleek, good looking but not over the top, had a nice V8 rumble, and best of all: it was a manual. Did it influence me? Well, now I myself have a Ford truck.

This makes the chances of a Topaz revival quite bleak looking indeed..

Are we talking about an El Camino or an S-10 here? Big difference.

I learned the same lesson, but in a '94 Chevy worth $500 max. Also, the fence which I bashed into didn't leave any scars on the plastic grill or chrome-plated, steel bumper.

@ptschett: Yeah but what if that V6 is really just a V8 with good gas mileage?