Ford Tempo Fanatic

@Novaload: I love all Tempos, and forgive all sins.

@Novaload: I'm either sitting on a cloud, musing on the significance of the 1986 introduction of flush-mounted, aerodynamically styled composite headlamps on the Ford Tempo OR I reside (temporarily) in a small fishing village in Alaska.

@CahbonFiabah: Mind blowing front wheel drive performance you say?

See back when I was playing with Legos, I wasn't really preparing for the apocalypse so much as creating it.

I like the rear, but that's about it. Those big, horizontal chrome pillars just scream 1950s-style excess.

Where are you Ralph Nader? We need you now!

I have to stop myself, because I'm starting to think it actually looks better then most other sport utilities. It has a certain clean-ness in design that the messy and overly-dramatic SUVs lack.

Man. If I were within a thousand miles of any of the four cities, I would be all over this.

@Dallifornia: No, but where do all the clunkerized machines end up? In some anonymous junk yard in Michigan.

@brachial_plexus: Lets just say, the Packard is to the Plymouth, what the Ford Tempo GL is to the GLS.

Even after the guy's excuse, its still a huge loss. You could have easily kept the body panels, the trim, the seats and turned a shitty S-10 into a shitty S-10 with Syclone gear and a small block 350.

Okay what the heck Jalopnik, no Roadmaster? Not even something with massive fins ('58 Plymouth Suburban, Mercury Voyager)?

@Nytmare: Not necessarily. Because all Toyota's have the same defective part, its just a matter of when or if the part will become damaged or effected in such a way that it causes the accelerator to stick.

@FromaBuick6: Okay, so ya' speak up when Toyota's getting ripped on but where were you in 2001 when the media was having a field day with the Ford Explorer and Firestone mess?

@Fred55: I was actually thinking more of MyFord and MyLincoln, but yeah Sync is also pretty dope.

@bwnunnally: Yeah but having a Cobalt is like having AIDS. These is just nothing good about it.

Okay. First off, Toyota is handling this about as badly as Ford did the Pinto. Remember how bad that hurt Ford's rep?