Ford Tempo Fanatic

@SmaartAasSaabr: The fact the Celebrity was even brought up is a terrible, terrible thing. #1975

@Novaload: Hey now, in the 1970s it was really only the Japanese that were making chrome-less cars. Americans held out until... 1992, when Ford introduced a face-lifted, monochromatic (and chrome-less) Ford Tempo. The three-bar chrome visage was no more, but hey, in '05 the Fusion resurrected the Tempo's timeless

This is so much better then anything Nissan makes right now. #1975

@pauljones: Still all far more appealing then a 2009-anything. The Chrysler Sebring looks much more distinct when compared to a modern Nissan Sentra, but really now. Come on. #1980s

@pauljones: Camry, Accord, Maxima, Celebrity. Think man. What do all four of those automobiles have in common? They aren't Fords. Really, the only good designs to come out of the 1980s were from the hand of Ford and Chrysler designers. GM the Japanese could suck it with their appliances. That's not to say I wouldn't

@Novaload: Tempo still reigns supreme, but I can find good in most 1980s cars. Except J-Bodies. #1980s

@haxor911: Hey now, I'll take an honest-and-true 80s anything over the fake stuff of today. Technology be damned, the pinnacle of automotive design was the mid-80s. After that, it was all down hill. #1980s

I love it. Just look at that fake dashboard stitching! The 1980s were truly a great decade for automotive design; inside or out. #1980s

Manual seat belts. I vision a future, a bright future, full of automated seat belts that buckle the driver and front passenger in without any extra exertion from said driver and passenger. #qotd

Ha ha ha, Siler got schooled by an old man in a Cadillac. #silervslutz

I can accept all of this except the discontinuation of the Jeep Patriot and the Dodge Caravan. Especially the Caravan, which has been the only worthwhile product in the Dodge lineup since the pre-Benz days. #chryslerfiat

Congrats to the workers at Ford, the last man standing.

@heavylee-again: So, ten years ago now my dad bought a brand new Ford. That Ford now has over 270,000 miles on all original parts save for a clutch replacement.

@Novaload: Nikiski, AK. On the Kenai Peninsula. There are three kinds of people who inhabit these regions; Angry Natives, Rednecks, and Rich Ass Lower 49ers who have the money to have '67 Camaros in their AK summer homes. Alternatively, there is the lower class of the Rich Ass Lower 49ers who live year round in AK,