Ford Tempo Fanatic

@FromaBuick6: I pictured something different as well, something totally awesome..

Man, I just love old work trucks.

@maximum-sienna haz a NA V-6: Actually when I was a Scout, three of the guy's moms had all wheel drive Caravans. If I remember right there was even one all wheel drive Chevy Venture.

Further proof GM doesn't give a rats ass about public perception, is they are doing to the Cruze (which has potential to be a good car) what they did to nearly every other car they've ever made. Re-badge.

@engineerd over 200 served: I agree as well. No excuse. I had just finished playing 2K Australia's dystopia based video game, BioShock, for Xbox 360. I can almost see some relation to that video game, America's current situation, and the fall of Rome. What do they have in common? Bad leadership, and deterioration of

No AMC Eagle? That list is phailhard.

@rlj676-Carbon Footprint Size - Clownshoe: I'd take a Cobalt SS over a Focus as well. What I'm getting at, is I've driven a new Cobalt. Okay, so it was an LS four door but still. I am not being biased when I say this, but my 1989 Ford Tempo is a FAR HIGHER quality product despite a downturn in power output. Which it

Please don't hate me for saying this fellow Jalopinites. I do not like this car. For reasons I am not going to delve into, but its much more then statistics and design aesthetics. Which aren't half bad on this car, but nonetheless.

@Testboy: Alfa is getting rich off of Edsel. Why does that vagina-esque grille work on Alfa models, and not the Corsair and Citation of old? Because Alfa is European.

Car heists are not a new thing; they've happened before. Yet, somehow, I sympathize with these outlaws. A criminal is generally a criminal, a man who sets out to break the law and just that. This trio of now-criminals? I somewhat doubt they began working at that car dealership with the intent of stealing cars.

@FurtiveParsnip: Alaskans have strange taste in cars. Although I guess its not too strange considering the climate and weather, and the type of people who live here. I honestly see more Datsuns then Nissans. Although this theory of older is more popular then newer is spread to American cars as well, and I think there

@Å sjrøllyng pléyя: I've heard its underpowered for its size/weight, but lets just hope Ford rectified that problem with the EcoBoost equipped 2009 (or is it 2010?) model. I like Flex best because its a Ford (fan boi here) and I personally think it looks more sleek, cool then the other silly boxes. Not that silly

@Rust-MyEnemy: Scratch that and give me a diesel Focus! Come on Ford, remember the good old days? Tempo Diesel? That thing hauled serious 53HP ass.

@nitroram33 misses PolaЯ: This is totally true, however something as bad ass and powerful like the 7.3 could never work in todays eco-conscious world. My uncle has a c.1988 F-350 Custom (regular cab/chassis boy). Its unstoppable, and I use it during the summer for commercial fishing related work. The down fall is

@EffieGodinka: A better question is, when will Dodge build a frame that does justice to that great diesel engine? The answer to both questions is: never!

I've gotta say, I like it. Never thought I'd say "like" in reference to a Kia. Regarding box shaped vehicles, I've made a list of which ones I like in order from most-liked to least.

@Hello Mister Walrus: True, but you also have look at it on a car-level. That is to say, Ford was making vast improvements in build quality, engine efficiency (including improvements to power), and design. During the "Detroit Dark Ages" of the late 1990s and early 2000s, there was a total lack of appealing product in