
How is it that all these gossip stories about famous people's sex lives are okay for Gawker Media to write about yet you were all up in arms about the celebrity picture leaks?

Your "ethical and moral standards" for what's okay to write about or post make no sense.


I don't know what this is. Everything about it is just horrible. Even if she was going for an edgy look it fails.

This looks like a Project Runway dress. The collar is too much.

This is unacceptable. She looks like she's standing up straight and it still bunches. Bad fit.

Who needs all these fancy new doodads. You don't know what livin' is 'til you drive a team of horse like I used to. All these ridiculous wires you stick in your ears to hear a bunch of caterwauling from some half-dressed floozie. We didn't need all this new-fangled shit to have fun in my day. We'd just walk out into

Van Halen's request for M&Ms but absolutely no brown ones was a device used to ensure a venue read all of the contract/safety regulations. The part about no brown M&Ms was buried in a passage about the set design and how to ensure the safety of the crew and band. If they received M&Ms and the brown ones were included,

No. Just flat out no. Plows are not always out before the snow. Salt either comes too late, or can be washed away by rain that falls ahead of the snow. This makes for longer and more dangerous commutes. There will be deaths, easily topping the 5 in Alabama in larger cities. Yet life doesn't stop for those still alive.

This will go down in the annals of gifstory as one of the best. (Also the fact that I just invented "gifstory" [gif+history].)


Nothing ->

Take it down a notch, Crystal Moon Lovechild. Having awful periods isn't because Big Tampon is forcing itself up my vagina, it's because I have debilitating cramps that have sometimes brought me to tears in the past. How great for you that you've somehow pulled the cotton plug on all of their horrible lies and somehow