"I actually think I would prefer to risk dying in a hole in the ground than to have to re-experience the absolute torture it was to have my body torn in half so somebody could pull a human being out of it."
"I actually think I would prefer to risk dying in a hole in the ground than to have to re-experience the absolute torture it was to have my body torn in half so somebody could pull a human being out of it."
Bill Burr on "being a mother is the most difficult job on the planet"
"Kant's Golden Rule"?
The funny thing is, when guys write stuff like this about women it's considered sexist. When women say stuff like this about men it's a basically a public service. Bepenised assholes, right? Sure.
Maybe the author should have actually tried to understand why "Kants Golden Rule" might be relevant to…
I'm wary of creating categories of men, it's that kind of generalization-thinking that ends up with some really sexist notions towards women in the first place. In fact, I'm fairly certain if men started categorizing women in any way (and MRA's do this all the time), Jezebel would be up in arms, and rightfully so,…
All I see here is more generalizing and emotion for a very targeted [a minority within those majors] + priv'd group of individuals [usually middle class and white males/females] all around. The flaw in many situations such as the above is the lack of hard sciences being used as a base for thought.
If a men's blog chose a group of women, made a bunch of generalities about those women, and then proceeded to insult those generalities, how would Jezebel react? Are we just saying "there are sexist pretentious people that exist, and we dislike those people."? If so, okay. Kewl, I guess?
Is this an op-ed or journalized trolling?
So basically non-STEM people right? You realize this goes both ways too, for every pseudo intellectual guy that tries to justify obvious sexism/racism there's also the tumblr feminist who spends most of her time raging about perceived sexist slights and rape culture while also expecting me to pay for her dinner…
40% of UK teens are overweight or obese. Presumably these ones should actually want to lose weight?
i dont think a caucasian woman should be writing this article
You can want a smaller nose or lighter skin without wanting to look white.
He's had a dick in his mouth before. For sure.
What gap will women be closing next? How about all the gaping of women's assholes going on in mainstream porn.
Go ahead and roast me, but isn't this kind of sexist? I know it's mostly in jest, but I don't really see how stereotyping men helps the feminist cause. Whatever.
Maybe American women should put down the cake and pizza and stop being such lardasses.
From now on I'm going to start being as judgemental as the authors and commentors of Jezebel. Clearly, what the world needs is more judging of others. For instance, I will start with a venn diagram of "How Hoe is a Hoe?" or "How fat is too fat?" maybe I'll branch out into "Who lied about being raped this week?" This…
It’s not that women’s sports get less coverage because there is an inherent sexism (there is, but it’s not the reason) in sports journalism. It’s because women’s sports are not as entertaining. People watch, read about, discuss and attend sporting events for entertainment. It’s what the ‘E’ in ESPN stands for. Women’s…
Yep. Kotaku's really on a roll with their attempts to prove to us that they understand the horrible plight of vaginas this week. One incredibly, well written, thorough, thought out article by Tina about a serious issue and every other writer is jumping to show us "look, I care about women too!"