
I don't know, this is totally failing to get my hackles up. Are they supposed to be up? Because just replace "girlfriend" with "boyfriend" or "significant other of whichever gender and sexual persuasion you happen to prefer" and it's like...yeah, most of that shit is pretty annoying.

We've already seen it. Go back and reference the post on the size of labia and the men saying they don't care being ravaged by the rabid of Jezebel.

Power dynamic? Snicker! This is about consistency, not poor little you and how bad you have it.

So much rhetoric, and yet you all miss the completely valid point made by the original post: your insistence that No, Guys, It Really Doesn't Matter To Us still misses the point in an obnoxious way, similar to the way that a random guy's insistence that No, Ladies, You're All Really Beautiful At Any Size/Without

I think what you, CryptArc, and the writer of this article have proven is that being an insufferable, condescending prick knows no sex.

But I suppose we could argue further about who is more entitled to being an insufferable, condescending prick.

We can debate the degree, context, and power dynamics of it until we're

sadly those articles are usually full of comments saying things to the effect of "YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO FEEL OR HOW TO LOOK!"

Are you really trotting out this tired ass nonsense again? Really?

And men aren't required to accomodate women. But I think you guys call that "misogyny."

Not trolling here at all coz I'm an avid reader of Jezebel but I gotta ask, why is the only truly positive posting about Fathers thus far been by a man (Mike Adamick's :Open letter to my Daughter)? Why has every article or posting by the women of Jezebel been snarky, negative, and in no way a true celebration of

where was your guide for mother's day when your mom's a deadbeat mom?

Why does Jezebel allow this nonsense on here? How is this clever or funny? How is this informative, or interesting? Lindy West seems to think this website is her own personal blog where she can just post whatever ridiculousness that pops into her head. She takes a story, and tries to find the fastest way to make it

That woman is killing herself just as assuredly as an anorexic or a drug addict.

People we expect to lead volunteers to their deaths in a contrived "good cause" are often very bad characters, despite how nicely we dress them up.

They should add an anti-Hernandez filter.

Yes, as long as it's the woman in control of this morally skewed situation, Jezebel is fine with it.

I suggest being a "journalist" and writing your own article rather than copy/pasting someones work just to get "clicks"....

Except that the entire point of this article was obviously to spark controversy and debate over the video games & violence connection.

Yeah, I'm not sure how the kid became the bad guy here, or how there's a bad guy in this story at all, really.