I appreciate this post. I just wish Jezebel wrote a little more about Manning, and posted fewer photos of Obama looking oh, so cute.
I appreciate this post. I just wish Jezebel wrote a little more about Manning, and posted fewer photos of Obama looking oh, so cute.
As if you guys gave two shits about this guy until he outed himself. Now you suddenly have all the sympathy in the world for her.
The definition of "rape" is ever-expanding, so that's probably easier said than done.
Jezebel, you shouldn't accuse people of rape when they have not been found guilty of it. Just because it fits your worldview and everyone will be too guilty to disagree with your reactionary style doesn't mean you're writing anything of any merit.
I know it's not really the acceptable thing to say around here, but I agree. Your body cannot make fat from nothing. If your body is moving enough, it will burn calories. It has to. (Obviously, exceptions for hormone problems.)
God, please think before you type. "Privilege" is something one is typically born into and cannot control. Weight does not inherently fall under this category. And the insinuation that thin/skinny people are somehow completely immune from some from of condescension, discrimination, or habitual stereotyping is also out…
Meanwhile, over at Jezebel, Brad's wife asks a strikingly similar question to the editor of the weekly Sexbag column...
Except being thin isn't a privilege. It takes work and self-control.
I don't drink beer, but I don't think the ads are as bad as you're making them out to be. They USED to be pretty awful, but the ads now are far less over-the-top.
I'm fairly certain that well under half of the football audience (that is, people who actually watch football) is female. I assume you are saying that half of the audience is female, since half (give or take) of all people are. But that's a false comparison. It's like saying that half of all Ann Taylor customers are…
Check out how many women and girls are at NFL games on a Sunday. I think the NFL knows how to talk to girls just fine.
The fact you choose to identify yourself as a "girl gamer" makes any offense you take illegitimate. Why can't you call yourself just a gamer? Why do homosexual's need their own gaming convention? The minute you segregate yourself within a sect you lose credibility. "Girl gamers" are attention seekers who think just…
Sorry, but their sexual positions were asymmetric, not just their genders. You can't assume that the uneven treatment of the people is due to their genders, it might be because she was the one giving and he was the one receiving. An appropriate comparison where we would be (a bit more) justified in thinking about why…
And the bait is set, good old Kotaku integrity here...
and its important we dont see girls in trailers? really? who gives a shit?
Look, periods ARE gross. Bodily fluids of all kinds are gross. I don't hear anybody waxing poetic about the miracle of life every time they take a shit. It's gross! That's fine, we don't have to be pristine perfect lady flowers all the time, we're allowed to be carnal and physical and gross and real.
What isn't cool is…
Looks like Jezebel is not checking their privilege
Hmm... no mention of the situation that precipitated the hashtag, in which Jezebel is complicit? Okay.
The link that claims to show that obesity isn't driving the rise in health insurance rates is a total citation (or reading comprehension) fail.