I think that is getting the flag every time in the NFL now...so to be pissed is to be pissed about the rule, not the call.
I think that is getting the flag every time in the NFL now...so to be pissed is to be pissed about the rule, not the call.
it does seem like a lot of work to have delicious bourbon. I have preferred - grab glass - pour in bourbon - enjoy.
he is the political equivalent of that new Lily Allen song
oh no...he was the best but everyone around him was terrible...so more Toronto...less Miami
reminder - him doping has never been the issue...him destroying people's lives because they called him on it is what makes him such a massive d-bag.
I just can't stop staring at the unnecessary use of arrows
couldn't come up with anyone who was critical of this...and yet...controversy?
yes, that seems to go without saying.
I understand the desire to build your brand on Facebook...but that has to come with a 100% understanding that you aren't in control. I have seen pretty successful use of Facebook but push everything back to your own page for content delivery. My objection is to write at length about how Facebook sucks and end the post…
It ridiculous to complain about a company and then double down with that same company...there are lots of options to publish content that don't require you to be subservient to Facebook.
some how many brewskis did Truex have before showing up at the bar????
note these are people who clearly don't usually wear steel toes (hence forgetting them)...I am thinking more engineer who is going to the field
Isn't me
Why does no restaurant anywhere actually melt the cheese when they make a grilled cheese?
my thoughts exactly!