
Can't seem to care about this

was trying to say this...glad I didn't try any harder when you knocked it out of the park.

faked is the wrong word - didn't follow the official rules of an unofficial sort of event to begin with.

who else thought - holy shit when did JR Smith die?

I thought this kind of game fixing only happened in Badminton...what is the world coming to!!

I wish we had the replacement refs...we could have had the duel catch in the end zone call go our way too...

the illegal help was just to aid in recovering from an injury ... and she immediately regretted it.

Why don't they? Because 'Bama hasn't been offered enough money to justify it...but now that you have thrown the idea out there

"garner greater respect once they graduated"

"not an historical...I mean they made a whole movie out of how Rudy overcame amazing physical obstacles, racial injustice, being adopted by white rich people, before succumbing to cancer...all in the name of the UM-ND rivalry game!"

PETA proves once again that its marketing team is probably the best in the one can generate the sort of in-kind advertising that PETA generates.

What is the role of the prospector during this ordeal?

First off - making zero statements about this case...I didn't read any associated links.

Internet Explorer 4 is having sizing issues

yeah - that definitely won't be received well. It is hard to not come across as just a massive argumentative dick regarding this topic. I could have chosen some better words...

thanks for the information

I have been polite regarding a topic and question I understood would not be received well. I am curious as to the legal proceedings that are used to prove such a a society that works towards getting away from bringing stereotypes into the courtroom it seems tougher and tougher to prosecute a mutual drunk

So we were supposed to believe this was a legit event all these years?

are you saying both claim to have been raped because both feel they were too drunk to consent...therefore it is rape?

Honestly the only technicalities I was interested in focus more on the legal aspect of how they avoid the "we were both drunk" defense. They got her to wear a wire - so my thought was they were trying to get him not only to admit to sex but that he was clear she was way past the point of consent.