thickheaded ass was a given...the only thing up in the air was winning or losing.
thickheaded ass was a given...the only thing up in the air was winning or losing.
"I just got engaged, so I'm in that period where I get to imagine how kickass everyone will say my wedding is without having to do any actual planning yet."
Pretty sure we were offered photos for a fee state-side.
I honestly don't know anyone who has a marriage like that anymore...and the shit hits the fan when the kids start coming into play (married or not). Once that comes into play, trying to strike the equitable balance that both sides want is often the deal breaker.
I won...yeah me!!
the original article also points out the women who negotiate get a better price (and not because it starts higher). You seem to have a desperate need for this situation to be one where women just get screwed...even in the worst case they were talking about a 5% difference in price.
that Prince Harry can do anything!
I am not ignoring anything - they aren't charging the women, they are providing a price quote. In both cases the customer is left with the choice. For the "thing" the sales person might know the markup, and steer you to purchase the item they get a better commission. Maybe it isn't even more expensive - maybe it is a…
bah - it's a pretty fair comparison. Walk into a store say you want a nice thing...they talk you into the more expensive thing because they are taking advantage of the situation. It may be more then you need or wanted...but they know they have you on the hook and can probably get you to spend it.
wearing a protective cup? game 6 is going to be rough I guess.
and like true Giants fans they retaliated by beating the shit out of Casey in the parking lot.
I would still go with flying...but whatever
while this was the worst answer last night - 5 of the 6 were awful and incomprehensible. One got asked a question about Snowden and Treason...I quickly said - bet she doesn't know what treason is...I was right.
that was the previous round...yep, I am being serious
He isn't the first college sophomore to make the argument that "brief action" shouldn't count against him.
Just another blown whistle screwing up Mike Rice's career
It all goes through Facebook. If you don't have a public facebook page, then it sounds like you are not subject to this. Sorry but your right to privacy ended when you open a public facebook page.
How sweet was the timing for the pitcher to glance over his shoulder...
i could have written this...well...the writing would have sucked and the humor not been there...but you get my point.
"It's all right."