Aw, that's really sweet.
Aw, that's really sweet.
Ugh, last year my husband was working late when these came out. When he got home, I was under a blanket with my laptop and cat in the dark. He took away my laptop and we watched The Jerk until I was feeling better. WORTH IT.
AW Yusssssssssssss. Was attempting to post a sweet dancing ghost gif but it's not working. Picture it in your head right now. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Do they? The only other person I can think of is Diane Rehm. Her voice takes some getting used to.
All I can think of when that is brought up is a woman like Sarah Vowell- who by all regards is a fascinating, smart, incredibly funny woman. She just happens to have a very high-pitched girly-sounding voice.
Ugh, that first one is me. Like, right now.
1. Boring
"I was so proud of you, home state, with your all-female delegation to Congress and the Senate"
My husband is an artist and got a little teary at Mona Lisa, even with the throngs of tourists :)
I thought that going in October was a thing to do, rather than going in the summer. My husband and I were determined to be a bit touristy, just because there is no real guarantee we'll ever have the opportunity to go there again. It would be nice to have had the time to just say "fuck it" and sit in a cafe and drink…
Yeah, we made the mistake of going there later in the day for two reasons: 1. We actually wanted to see the Musee d'Orsay first, but when we got there we found out it was closed on Mondays, and 2. We were jetlagged something fierce. we tried to get up at 7:30, but there was no dragging us out of bed until least 8:30.
I make a point to photobomb as many people as possible who do that. What, you don't like me making obscene gestures behind you while trying to prove to everyone on Instagram that you saw Venus de Milo? Toooooo baaaaad.
I just mentioned it upthread, but the Louvre is filled with people that just go there to take selfies in front of the famous art.
I just got back from Paris, and went to the Louvre a week ago. All I can say is that I'm glad I only had to compete with hoardes of regular old tourists taking selfies in front of the Mona Lisa. What a shit show for anyone who just went to the Louvre that day because they wanted to see some damn art.
My step brother and sister in law have two cats named Doug and Earl. Why not?
I'm totally in love with Allen.
Once, when he was putting on a shirt, he told me that I needed to prepare myself because "I look really, really good in purple."
I've seen my fair share of MST3K, trust. Or, do you mean that there is a MST3K version of Svenghoulie, because my husband and I LOVE making fun of that guy and his terrible jokes.
Ha! Svenghoulie! My husband loves that show. I'm usually out on Saturday nights, but I really enjoyed last week's movie: The Thing That Wouldn't Die.
I'm not a fan of scary movies myself, but I would place that movie in the "suspense" genre. Zodiac is a slow, plotting sort of film. I think Fincher did a really good job conveying the sense of dread so many people in the Bay area felt during that time, but didn't do overboard with gore.