In my experience, Baltimore is not really kind to vegetarians.
In my experience, Baltimore is not really kind to vegetarians.
Me, to Chris Claremont: Mr. Claremont, I really loved the first season of Legion!
I think it’s a stretch to say that a music scene’s history is sealed by a single book. For the most part, Goodman highlights a bunch of New York trust fund kids doing coke and using expensive equipment to sound like their music was recorded in a trash can— which may explain why Ted Leo was left out of Meet Me in the…
Ugh, are we really lionizing this era? James Murphy, Karen O, and maybe TV on the Radio are the only people to come out of the scene with any real cred. My point is that, much like The Clash transcends punk rock music, Ted Leo transcends the NY early-aughts scene.
I liked Howl, but hoo boy it’s dated now.
No, you’re right, he’s a Jersey kid, which makes him defacto NY (sorry not sorry Jersey kids). I just usually identify him with the Chisel days, the mod-style DC scene. It’s so far from the DFA/Strokes/white belt thing that was happening at the time.
This article was so vulnerable, and made me love his music all the more.
I’ve always been more of a Tyranny of Distance kind of gal, but I’m fucking psyched for this tour.
That’s a really good one! This is my favorite - Prime Key and Peele weirdness.
Gee, thanks.
I’d say this is a notable mention as well.
The guy from Titus Andronicus? Dude gets on my nerves. I can’t get out my head how he called Kurt Vile a sell out for allowing his music in commercials. Vile basically responded “Yo, I like to play music for a living. I also have kids and they’ve got to eat.”
Nah, it’s some cheesy-ass song with a guy talking about how he likes some lady’s body, which, if I know anything about Sam Smith, is not his cup of tea.
I hear the same 3 songs in every Uber. One song is definitely by Rhianna but I don’t know the name, another is Humble by Kendrick Lamar, and the third I think is Ed Sheeran but it has rapping over it(?). No judgements on the repetition of top 40 radio, because I’ve been listening to the same album on repeat for 3…
That scene scarred me for life as a kid.
As a chubby girl who loved to dance, John Waters’ Hairspray was (and is) one of my favorite movies. That Barbara Lynn song on the soundtrack ruuules.
Mint Field is blowing my mind right now.
There seems to be a theme of moms going to great lengths to fabricate Halloween costumes for their kids, and my mom was no different. She meticulously crafted a pair of monarch butterfly wings for me when I was 8. They were magnificent, and I wish I kept them.
Let the Right One In: