
When I was visiting Paris, I would see this EVERYWHERE from tourists. At the Natural History Museum, there is a giant stampede of animal skeletons when you walk in the door. None are behind glass, and you can walk right up. There was a family of tourists that were smearing their greasy-ass hands over EVERYTHING, and

Given the design, this would also seem to alleviate back of the neck sweat! It’s the perfect product.

I read every word of that! It was this line:

Go for it! Just promise you’ll report back...for, uh, scientific purposes.

Man, Tony Bourdain has a type, doesn’t he?

Ugh WHAT IS IT ABOUT ADRIEN BRODY? He seems like a tool, but I definitely would.

On paper, he’s totally my type. Tall, lanky, broad shoulders, great hair, big nose (what it’s a thing). However, when I see him, all I see is

After my step sister eloped, she and her husband had a big combined-family party afterwards. Her new in-laws came over to the US from Ireland for the first time to meet us. For the entire time they were here, they thought my dad was my stepsister’s bio-dad and that I was his much younger wife. I was seventeen at the

My husband started wearing Fiji as a departure from his Classic Old Spice. Every time I get near him now I think for a split second “WHO is this handsome smelling stranger?!”

Henry. Henry. In the words of the great Donna Meagle, “You fine but ya simple”

Mmf Mark Ronson

The movie is about 15 years old, but Dinklage’s character is a trainspotter (though he doesn’t call himself that).

I didn’t know it was a “thing” here in the US until I saw “The Station Agent”. Ever seen it? It was Peter Dinklage’s breakout role. Super excellent movie.

An insomniac thanks you for this list. If you throw in a good concealer for under-eye bags, I’ll be good to go.

Erin AND Jane? Ouch. Gotta say- this puts my readership in jeopardy, and I’ve been around since the Pot Psychology days.

Magnificent story. Just the right amount of creepy


Some of the best thrifty gems I’ve ever found have been in NOLA. Looking forward to the next one!