
What do you mean people have to go “whole hog”? A vote counts as a vote. If you don’t particularly like a candidate it doesn’t mean the actual vote counts less.

Not much of a Hillary fan, but I thoroughly enjoyed feeling all my “please don’t fuck this up” anxiety turn to glee as she began to mop the floor with him.

You can be a Hillary supporter and you don’t have to preface it with the hipster “not my first choice...” Bernie is dunzo. He has been dunzo. Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

The equivalence assholes are worse than the actual Trump supporters in my opinion. Well, not worse in the kind of people they are, but worse in their disingenuous bullshit. At least Trump supporters are upfront about their idiocy, thode who are equating them are just dishonest jackholes.

I’m still stunned from the moment Trump doubled down on the concept of turning our armed forces into global mercenaries “we defend them? Let them pay for it” to the point that Hillary felt the need to turn to the camera and reassure other countries that no, contrary to what Orange Cheeto just said, the US will uphold

His reply was more telling, in that he called it a “small loan.” A small loan of $14 mil.

yeah, i see that “THEY’RE BOTH THE SAME, SHEEPLE!” has the the Rockabilly Survivalist vote all locked down again this year. I find they’re usually Kansas bred ex-skaters and punks whose parents dipped their pacifiers in gin and “Clinton Murder Saul Alinsky argle bargle durrrrrrrrrrrp”. They wouldn’t vote for any

I really don’t have many friends on FB at all and it’s so funny to see the people still proclaiming “Both candidates are awful! I can’t stand either of them.”

Otherwise known as my father-in-law

To quote David Sedaris (from the 2008 election, but particularly relevant now):

Otherwise known as my father-in-law, the boorish, bumptious Republican Obama hater who just happens to be living hand to mouth on SSI. The same SSI that most Republican contenders want to fucking abolish! Of course he never votes; he’s just loud and obnoxious.

Trump spent all weekend cramming for the debate.

When they first showed the panel of undecided voters I screamed at the TV “you mean panel of fucking idiots!”

Kayleigh McEnany. She’s the fucking worst, and she KNOWS it.

I’m watching that right now. The blonde woman is getting on my last nerve.

Candidate Trump also expressed “regret” over not bringing up infidelity. So, no cookie for Trump, in my opinion. So he said he didn’t want to bring it up in front of Chelsea, but he REGRETTED not bringing it up.

Good. Let him bring every right wing conspiracy theory for the past 25 year. Clear all that shit out in an embarrassing way before she’s inaugurated.

I love* how Hillary being cheated on is a mark against her.

Trump once said that he’d donate $5 million to charity if President Obama could prove that he is a natural born citizen. So when will he be cutting that cheque? Maybe after the oft-mentioned audit?

It’s as if Trump thinks that a private conversation with Hannity supersedes what he said on the record in the media.