
A friend of my mom’s used to replace her diamonds with cubic zirconia immediately after receiving them. We both thought she was nuts for that, but sounds like that would have been a handy trick for Kim.

This post was needlessly nasty.

It’s a very expensive process. He had to get a lawyer. And he’s pretty much stuck with the company he works for until the process is complete because getting an employer who wants to deal with immigration issues is not easy.

Thanks kindly!

I do really wonder how Asian-Americans feel in general about this election (I know they are not a monolith, but surely there is a majority opinion). A friend of mine who is Chinese Malaysian is going through the green card process and having a rough time despite having gone to college here and having a great

Six Feet Under is my only experience with Peter Krause, and I couldn’t judge the acting through my hatred for Nate. Oh, Nate, you FEEL things! And DEEPLY. YOU’RE SO FUCKING SPECIAL.

I think Ammon has it backwards: federal land belongs to all of us. The Bundys are the ones who want that land for personal use.

I wonder how that will works? She has a sibling, doesn’t she? My father-in-law, without being asked, mentioned when my sister-in-law got pregnant with her third (to my one and only ever) that as far as the will is concerned, he does not have 4 grandchildren - he has 2 sons. Not sure if she knows or cares that her

Taylor and the squad let Lena Dunham hang out once. See? She has a token normie.

I wish this squad thing would die already. Some of us are loners or prefer a small, low-key group, and are pretty damn ok with it.

That’s who Tiffany looks like! That’s been gnawing at me for months, but finally there it is.

Teresa is a terrible friend. She is never offering support or sympathy to any of the others when they have crises, yet they all fall over themselves for her attention. It’s sick.

Jacqueline is nuts, but Melissa can go fuck herself. How soon she forgets...

I don’t count Donald as a person, so...

So sad for the, uh, zero people this foundation helped...

“...but he said he’d fuck ME, so we’re cool.” - Carlig

Beef is my jam. I could take or leave pork for the most part, but picking off the good parts of that roast pig would be pretty satisfying.

That is disgusting and I want it in my mouth now.

Ambrosia Starling is fantastic! Please check her out on fb. She goes old-school proper Southern lady style for important events.

He’s not wrong. If Pres. Bush wanted to broadcast his vote to America, he would have done it himself. That tangential Kennedy has poor taste.