
If enough people in a red state go Johnson over Trump, Clinton could take it. Very few people have a hard time choosing between Clinton and Trump at this point. If they lean R, there’s no way they’re voting Clinton. Just be happy if they don’t choose Trump.

Little Foofa’s preschool cost us $550/month. It was Montessori-style and was part of a university early childhood development program within College of Education. The lead teachers all had Masters degrees. I loved it. The only problem was the 2 year waitlist to get in.

My state allows daycares affiliated with churches (which tend to be cheaper in my experience) to forgo state licensing and inspection. This has resulted in more than a few daycares employing predators and neglectful caretakers and abysmal facilities. The churches are rarely held accountable, and even if a daycare

And Ivanka does the same shit with her jewelry business.

My daughter’s school also has active shooter drills, which are new to her this year. She asked me why they do that, and I told her that something so horrible happened that I could not talk about it. Of course, she, being my child, came up with a scenario so dark that Sandy Hook paled in comparison. So I got to tell

Aww, Matt. Say it ain’t so!

Yes. I was not terribly pissed at my female friends who supported Romney. I thought they were misguided, but I never thought horrible things about them. This time, though, I want to scream in their faces. Which I can’t do because then I’d be the bitch.

Sandy Hook was the last time I cried from the news. And that was an epic cry. Shit, getting misty just remembering how that felt. Before that, the last time was after Katrina.

Whichever grown up didn’t secure his/her weapons from a teenager should be punished and shamed. I want names and photos, dammit.

I wish someone would punch him in the dick.

Can’t wait to pick mine up from school in a few minutes and squeeze her tight

That room in the instagram photo looks like a great room in which to throw a party for your daughter, and then shame her out of eating a piece of her cake.

I’m INTJ too. We get the best and worst famous people in our club. We get Anders Brevik, but we also get Tesla. We get Hitler, but we also get Sir Isaac Newton. We are a mixed bag.

Wife/mother? The bigger scandal is some dude marrying his mom.

We could ease so many problems by fully legalizing marijuana. How many inmates started out as baby potheads whose problems snowballed once they were incarcerated the first time?

I know a woman who is both heavy and divorced from her cheating husband cheering for him like a crazy person. I’d pity her, but...

I’m guessing seasonal allergies and am not inclined to mock him for the sniffling, even if he and his shitbags did have Hillary at death’s door for coughing.

She’s on CNN all the time, and she is breathtakingly dumb. Her only trick is changing the subject.

Thanks for being surprised I’m gray. I’ve been commenting since 2007 when we had to “audition”. Not that I’m bitter...

Every time one of the Kims comes into the picture, I get confused. Who the hell are they friends with? It seems like they all hang out with the Kims, yet they all hate the Kims.