
What will Milania’s Jezebel screen name be?

I dunno...Sandoval seems like he would be content to just date himself.

My grocery store plays that goddamn Taylor Swift song about how she’s better than the cheerleader who wears short skirts. Can I have that one declared “profane”?

I miss Footballers’ Wives.

It’s not like you can donate those to Goodwill...

He and Tony Montana have similar taste. Every time a photo of his home in Florida, I think to myself that they did a great job of scrubbing the blood from the walls.

I feel this way about attacks on Christie’s weight. Yes, he’s an asshole, but it’s rude and lazy and we’re better than this.

Damn, I cannot wait until Hillary takes away all the gunzzzz.

I do not believe for one moment that this gentleman had a gun. The wife would have known. Police must have planted it when they realized they murdered a man with TBI.

“Disingenuous” is being charitable in describing these people. They were also televangelists. That was the family’s side hustle.

Exactly. The first night of protests, the police were pretty quick to protect that fucking Walmart, weren’t they?

I feel your pain. I cannot even talk to my father without starting an argument. We are both news junkies, but we cannot discuss anything real with each other. Mine grew up in Jim Crowe Mississippi, but he joined the Air Force, went to college, and traveled the world, yet here we are. He was even in Chicago for the

My vote in Alabama won’t matter (voting anyway, of course), so I’m counting on you coastal elites. Get out there and get us our President, dammit!

This hooker better speak up and quick. Yup. I called her a hooker. She fucked a gross old man for money. Not sorry.

I once worked for a company that identified as “minority-owned”, the “minority” being a white woman who owned 33% of the business, the rest owned by her white father. The company was a vendor to a multi-national corporation that likes to tout its diversity in employees and vendors.

Were there more protestors than the CNN cameras were capturing? Because evety shot after 9 central looked like a scant few protestors with thick walls of riot cops surrounding them.

True that. I will not badmouth the system because it’s better than what we had. Luckily, I was able to offer a discount for paying out of pocket to those clients, but even if they could not pay, I’d never let them go without tx. The clinic was nonprofit and I could find ways to sneak them in under the billing clerk’s

When I worked the desk at a clinic, the bane of my existence was discussing insurance benefits with clients (it was therapy that necessitated weekly visits and I did this even though I was not required to, but I did not want anyone blindsided with bills). When ACA came along, I was thrilled for a minute because more

THANK YOU. “Obamacare” sounds vulgar.

Agreed. Throwing objects at innocent bystanders is unacceptable (see: I-85 motorists whose windshields were broken). Sorry you’re being piled on here.