
Meanwhile at Fox News: the story is that 12 police got hurt and lived, not that one of their own murdered an innocent man. And commenting is disabled, as they do on these stories, presumably because not even FN wants to know what their idiot readers have to say.

The protesters were throwing rocks at motorists on I-85 according to HuffPo. Why? Could you imagine driving along, no clue what’s going on, and a rock flies through your windshield? That is bullshit. If they’re throwing things, at least go after the cops and not innocent drivers.

Perception is everything, though. She has my vote by default, but she is a hard sell to a lot of people. So much baggage, even if it is baggage from her extensive experience. Like it or not, Benghazi is a thing. And for liberals, being friendly with Kissenger is a problem. I wonder if Bernie or even O’Malley would be

Until reading that tweet above from the store clerk, I was sure Shannon had alienated her mother-in-law early on (as she is wont to do with every new woman in her life as far as we can see on tv) and the relationship never recovered, but mother-in-law sounds next-level.

I hope this was just editing, but did anyone else catch Vicki screaming “BRIANNAAAAAA!” when the baby was crying in the middle of the night? The baby of the woman she coaxed away from her husband with a new house just so Vicki would not be lonely? Fuck Vicki. I hope that baby keeps her ass awake all night.

Was that an original song? Because it sounds like one of those teeny bopper hits I was only vaguely aware of.

I absolutely agree with Shannon’s opinions on ROCK N ROLLLLLL. You gotta scream the lyrics! But she should take a damn seat at band practice and let the girls work it out on their own.

Vera Bradley bags are what my sister-in-law gives me for Christmas every year because she does not know me and has not noticed that I have never once carried one of these in the 9 years we have been acquainted. I re-gift those bitches. So cheers to sister-in-law from my friends/relatives who do like these ugly

Have they considered not making hideous bags that cost way more than the materials would suggest they cost to make?

The problem here is that that statement could apply to either candidate depending on where the reader is coming from. Don’t discount how paranoid a lot of people are regarding Hillary, whether it is warranted or not.

Let’s not pretend Hillary is not a problem. She is a huge problem. She’s just much less of a problem than the other candidate. I’m voting for her over my own objections, but there is no way I hell I can sell her to right-leaning acquaintences who object to Trump. About the best we can do with that is to make sure

The NRA does not care whether you know how to use your weapon, silly.

The NRA wants you to have a weapon in your classroom, so that power could be yours depending on which state you live in.

So what if it is? Does the guy in the photo deserve to be murdered? This is what he looked like and we are not doing anyone any favors by choosing photos where he looks any differently.

This is nuts. When my car breaks down, I get so many offers to help from strangers and police set up cones to protect my white ass. And this dude gets murdered.

He used pressure cookers, but had he planned ahead, he could have just used crockpots.

Fuck yes I will wear those! And the shoes!

If Radar knows something, it sure as shit better name names. If not in the media, to the police.


Please don’t be Tom Hanks...