
NY cops must be fitter than the cops in my area. This would be too close to bet on with the officers I see.

Midlake is fucking great. WTG opening for them!

And Beck.

I imagine it’s like getting sucked into a pyramid scheme. Like, you go to the first meeting and they get some sort of investment out of you and your curiosity is piqued just enough to go to the second meeting, where you get sucked in just a little more. By the third, you’ve got an inkling, but maybe you’re invested

I heard stories from coworkers who performed health services in a young women’s juvenile detention facility that made me wretch for days. People are fucking assholes for keeping children they obviously do not want or intend to treat like humans. These girls will get out of detention, and many will perpetuate the

Every time something horrific happens, someone pipes up with some variation of, “I don’t believe in the death penalty, but this asshole has it coming.”

Jackie did not name a real person, did she? If I remember correctly, she invented a person, which makes RS look extra stupid (correct me if I am wrong - I don’t feel like reading the RS article again).

“Lesser Tom”? I think not. Sandoval has a job. Swartz is a man-baby who panics and runs away from jobs that require him to use a cash register.

I never watched CB show, but I was a huge fan of Mama’s Family the show. The first season was a tad darker than the rest. I totally get the despair in Peanuts, too. Charlie Brown needs help.

I love that she talked about Eunice, Ed, and Bubba. I would pay money to watch the dramatic reading of the sketch she talked about - she said they once read the script without the over-the-top comedy voices and that it was actually devastating.

She really is better than all of them. I suppose she could tone it down, though.

Nope. RS has an obligation to verify facts, and it failed.

I do not fully understand Jackie’s logic in the ruse. How was being assaulted supposed to make someone who was not attracted to her suddenly change his mind? And how did she plan to keep up the ruse had it worked? And why am I asking these questions when I think I do know?: pathalogical liars are infuriating.

There is the possibility she is mentally ill. And what do we have to gain from knowing her true identity?

Calvin is only feeding her ego the more he runs his mouth, so maybe get over it?

Kim’s body is UNREAL. I have spent way too much time this week admiring her Instagrams.

Who CARES what he has to say on this? He never really believed President Obama is not a US citizen - he just ran his mouth because he likes the sound of his own voice. He is a disgusting troll whose words mean less than nothing. We are getting into “say the words ‘radical Islam’” territory here.

I will never ever forget a poultry science major (I went to a school with a fantastic ag program) explaining the best way to fuck a chicken: wrap a giant rubber band around yourself and the chicken; the chicken keeps trying to fly off, but keeps snapping back repeatedly. I hope this was just a joke...

After going three rounds with the staff of my gynecologist over the phone yesterday, I’m all for OTC BC. I did not realize I was due for my anual (my bad!), and when I went to phone in my Rx to the pharmacy I found I am expired. I had to beg for the Rx to be called in. It’s fucking birth control, not percoset. They

The woman in the lead story’s petty fucking grievence is sucking all the oxygen out of the legitimate problems in the subsequent stories. Sorry she was assaulted, and the Hide Yo Kids song is juvenile to bring up in the office, but come. on. And she got a damn month off for that?!